From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Thu Sep 04 09:00:59 2014
To: Peggy Johnson
Cc: Dan Huff; Heather Penni
Subject: FW: Invoice
Importance: Normal
Attachments: Ethan Heigts Paving Invoice 9-2-14.pdf; Peggy - Please also pay this invoice. Jenn From: Dan Huff [] Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2014 8:17 AM To: Jennifer Cline Subject: RE: Invoice Jennifer – Cherie is right. We used an early bid for the agreement and then did not update the agreement when the bid was finalized. Go ahead and authorize the $7,718.75 for Chad Davis. Dan From: Jennifer Cline [] Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 4:48 PM To: Dan Huff Subject: FW: Invoice I don’t know the history here… From: Cherie Spahn [] Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 4:43 PM To: Jennifer Cline Subject: Re: Invoice Hello Jennifer, The way we calculated the invoice was taking the total invoice of $24,700 divided by 16 lots times 5 lots that were already built on. $24,700 / 16= $1,543.75 x 5 lots= $7,718.75. I believe that the $7,265.00 amount was calculated on a lower bid. If you take $7,265 / 5= $1,453 per lot x 16 lots= $24,688.00 The difference is $1,452.00 / 16= $90.75 x 5 lots= $453.75 Let me know if this makes any sense to you. You can call or email me to go over the amounts. Thank You, Cherie Spahn CFO Chad E. Davis Construction, LLC 2420 Pacific Ave Forest Grove, OR 97116 503-357-8587 (Office) 503-992-2301 (Fax) 503-709-1659 (Cell) On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 4:19 PM, Jennifer Cline <> wrote: Hi Cherie, Thank you for providing the attached invoice. Will you please provide an explanation for additional $453.75 invoiced. This invoice is more than the city’s agreed portion of $7265.00. Please see attached signed agreement. Regards, Jennifer Cline, P.E. City of Molalla Public Works Director O: 503.829.6855 Ext. #218 F: 503.829.3676