From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Tue Sep 02 11:12:07 2014
Cc: Dan Huff
Subject: FW: Fund Exchange Agreement with ODOT
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 29981 Molalla FXE 2014_Final.pdf; Hi Hassan, I was hoping you could clarify a comment you made today. You mentioned that we needed ODOT’s buy-in regarding the designs of Grange, Heintz and Stowers, or may be that just applied to the ADA design. Anyhow, I mentioned it to Dan and he stated that we did not need ODOTs approval on the design. Am I understanding your comments correct? Or is it the case that we do not need their design approval, see attached and Dan’s response. Thanks, JC From: Dan Huff [] Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 10:48 AM To: 'Jennifer Cline' Subject: Fund Exchange Agreement with ODOT Jen - There is no requirement in this agreement that ODOT approves our plans. They approved our prospectus to give us the funding and then at the end they do an inspection to make sure we built what we said we would. We took .94 on the dollar to keep them out of the process. Dan