From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Wed Jun 15 14:38:37 2016

To: Adam Shultz; Rod Lucich

Cc: Sadie Cramer

Subject: FW: Form submission from: Contact Us

Importance: Normal


Hi Guys,


I received this email from Sadie today for 675 S. Taylor Ct in Molalla.


Adam - I believe item #1 is something for the crew to look into


Chief - Item #2 I am passing alone to you.


Let me know if there are any questions.






-----Original Message-----

From: Sadie Cramer []

Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2016 2:02 PM

To: Jennifer Cline <>

Subject: FW: Form submission from: Contact Us




-----Original Message-----

From: City of Molalla Oregon []

Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2016 11:52 AM


Subject: Form submission from: Contact Us


Submitted on Wednesday, June 15, 2016 - 11:51am Submitted by anonymous user:

[] Submitted values are:



Full Name: Whitney Rumgay


Phone Number: 5413061137




I live at 675 S. Taylor Ct in Molalla. I have a couple of questions.

1. There is a large field/wet land area in the back of our house. I am not sure who owns it, but they had someone mowing last week. The person mowing knocked off the cover for one of the man holes and now there is a giant open hole. I figure someone would like to get that fixed prior to someone falling in. :) 2. I would like to know who to contact to file a complaint in regards to the mass amount of transient traffic behind our house. I believe they camp back along the tree line. We have had issues with numerous people walking on ours and our neighbors properties. We ask them not to come through as it is private property and get cursed at/yelled at and flipped off. I don't appreciate this especially as myself and the neighbors have small children. We are also fairly positive that we have witnessed cars pull up to the field and there has been possible exchange of drugs. They build camp fires where they camp and the dry field behind our house is a HUGE fire danger. Several houses including ours have also been broken into or have had property stolen.

Myself along with the majority of the neighborhood is prepared to file formal complaints if necessary. Something needs to be done before someone is hurt or major damage is done.

Thank you for your prompt attention!


Whitney Rumgay



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