From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Tue Dec 23 09:57:06 2014

To: Lee, Rob

Subject: FW: Flow Meters for Molalla

Importance: Normal


Hi Rob,

Do you want to address Ken’s comments regarding wireless? The City’s main concern is that it’s going to cost us $20K more of the budget to equipped all sensors with a wireless system and we will be checking them bi-monthly or more.

Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

image "file:///C:

From: Ken Navidi []

Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2014 9:31 AM

To: 'Jennifer Cline'

Cc: 'Lee, Rob'; 'Garrett Edmunds'

Subject: RE: Flow Meters for Molalla


FYI. I’ am in San Diego till tomorrow for a wedding. Yet I’ve got some time to complete your quote this morning, which I will send out in another email.

I would highly discourage using RF wireless, here’s my reasoning:

1.) The online monitoring (webhosting) service is FREE, no cost to you.

2.) For FREE we could set up alarms to tell you when to replace batteries or when the sensor needs cleaning. Opening up a manhole lid periodically to check sensor is not a preferred method since the sewage can block the sensor 5 minutes after you visited the site.

3.) Marsh McBirney use to have a logger that ran RF, but we sold very little since RF is prone to interference, you have to be standing within 50ft of the logger for it to work. The signals had difficult making it out of some thicker reinforced manholes. The RF units are constantly broadcasting signal, so they eat up more power (batteries than cellular), and you still have to drive out to site to collect data, files still have to be merged and data cannot be seen unit you download data. An RF Modem and a Cellular Modem are the same cost. I have over 200 customers monitoring their wastewater sites via cellular, none continue to use the RF units.

4.) How often do you plan on visiting these sites, downloading individual data files, merging the files, then burning to CD and sending it off to Brown & Caldwell will take time and resources? Why not have Brown & Caldwell access to the data online and download a continuous strand of data, monthly, weekly reports straight from the web? Exports easily into excel.

Let me know when you have some time today and we can discuss in more detail.

Thank you, we look forward to working with you, I will be checking with the factory on delivery times.

Ken Navidi

Bainbridge Associates Inc.

(503) 697-9711

From: Jennifer Cline []

Sent: Monday, December 22, 2014 4:06 PM

To: 'Ken Navidi'

Cc: Lee, Rob; Garrett Edmunds

Subject: Flow Meters for Molalla

Hi Ken,

To follow up with my voicemail today, we recently were able to further define meter locations and our needs. We know we will need 7 Total meters; (6) manual reads and (1) wireless. Regarding the wireless, we are looking for a radio read versus an online monitoring data system. Is that option available?

Another question, what is the actual delivery time? I see the quotes states 6 weeks. Is it possible to have these in 2 week? I would rather not push this out to next season.

Here are the sizes of the pipes (specifically the highlighted pipe size) of the manholes we have decided to use for monitoring:

#1 - 12" PVC into 12" PVC

#2 - 12" PVC into 12" PVC, 15" PVC bypass line enters AND 15" PVC Bear Creek bypass line exits

#3 - 8" concrete into 8" concrete

#4 - 8" concrete into 8" concrete

#5 - 10" concrete into 10" concrete

#6 - 10" concrete into 10" concrete -

Note - where the Heinz and Grange lines meet it becomes 12"

#7 - 15" concrete Into 15" concrete - 12" concrete? From east (BC_A)

Please call me at your earliest convenience. I will be in the office most of tomorrow and Wednesday morning.

Happy Holidays!!!

Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

image "file:///C: