From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Fri May 22 12:33:48 2015
To: Jeff Mccrum
Cc: Keith Stiglbauer; Dan Huff
Subject: FW: Drought Survey Attached
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.jpg; Water_Conservation Survey-Final.docx; Hi Jeff, Can you take a crack at completing the survey? It is all good information we should know for ourselves as well. Jennifer Cline, P.E. City of Molalla Public Works Director O: 503.759.0218 F: 503.829.3676 From: Charlie Conrad [] Sent: Friday, May 22, 2015 11:12 AM To: Charlie Conrad Cc: Tracy Rutten Subject: Drought Survey Attached My apologies for the second e-mail—the survey was not attached to the first. Please let me know if you have any questions, Charlie Conrad, Research Coordinator (503) 588-6550 | (800) 452-0338 | (503) 540-6571 direct