From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Wed Jul 29 10:50:13 2015

To: Ryan Hepler; Jeff Mccrum

Subject: FW: called in earlier from AMCG

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image007.jpg; image008.png; image001.jpg;



Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

image "file:///C:

From: Jamie Mascarin []

Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2015 10:26 AM

To: Jennifer Cline <>

Subject: RE: called in earlier from AMCG

Thanks for the reply email! Here’s a link to our website:

We make both energy and water savers…if you have trouble finding your way around or have product questions let me know, but the sight is fairly simple to navigate.

The one thing you won’t find is pricing. We work exclusively off of custom quotes due to the fact that we work with utilities, municipalities and community action agencies of all shapes and sizes that buy in different volume levels.

The best way to work is for you, when the time is right, to email me a list of products that interest you and proposed volumes. From there I can build a custom quote. Sound ok?


Jamie Mascarin

Account Executive


2301 Charleston Regional Parkway

Charleston, SC 29492

Phone: 1.800.777.5655, ext. 132

Fax: 843.971.1472

Cell: 843.437.2723


From: Jennifer Cline []

Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2015 12:57 PM

To: Jamie Mascarin

Subject: RE: called in earlier from AMCG

Hi Jamie,

At this time we do not have a budget item for conservation spending. A budget item for this in the future may be a likely. If you would like to email a link to your website that contains a product list with costs for our reference in the future, that would be helpful.


Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

image "file:///C:

From: Jamie Mascarin []

Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2015 9:46 AM


Subject: called in earlier from AMCG

Jennifer, I called in earlier and left a voicemail but I know email is often easier to manage. I’m with AM Conservation Group – a manufacturer of specialty energy and water savings products. In particular, I wanted to reach out regarding the indoor and outdoor water savers we make after reading about the water challenges in your neck of the woods.

If you’d be interested to learn more about the low flow shower heads, faucet aerators, dye tabs, hose nozzles and other low cost water saving measures we make, please let me know and I’ll send over additional info.


Jamie Mascarin

Account Executive


2301 Charleston Regional Parkway

Charleston, SC 29492

Phone: 1.800.777.5655, ext. 132

Fax: 843.971.1472

Cell: 843.437.2723
