From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Thu Aug 20 16:50:19 2015

To: Heather Penni; Nicolas Lennartz

Cc: Dan Huff

Subject: FW: ARTS Hot Spots final 150% List

Importance: Normal

Attachments: _ARTS_HotSpot_150%_final.pdf; ARTS ODOT Region 1 handout .pdf;


Woohoo!!! We made number 54 on the 150% final list for ODOT: ARTS Hotspot funding at the Toliver Road intersection.

This project would provide 2 left turn lanes and a single right turn lane improvement with an alternative for a roundabout. The City will be responsible for 7.78% of the non-federal match per the All Roads Transportation Safety ARTS program as follows:

This will require local agencies to come up with the 7.78% non-federal cash match. If the local agency fails to identify local matching funds, the local agency and ODOT Region staff should work together to develop a funding plan for local match subject to Highway Administrator approval. SDC funds are available.

Jennifer Cline, P.E. | Public Works Director

Licensed in OR, WA

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 * |Molalla, OR 97038

O: 503.759.0218 | F: 503.829.3676

Cc: GLADHILL Kristie W <>; DAGNESE Susanne L <>; BURNS Katherine S <>; BROOKS Kelly S <>; HOPES Christina <>

Subject: ARTS Hot Spots final 150% List

Transportation Safety Colleagues,

First, I want to recognize your professionalism, collaboration and passion for reducing crashes on Oregon’s transportation system in ODOT Region 1 as we have worked to develop effective safety projects for all roads.

The final ARTS Hot Spot 150% list is complete, please find it attached. We will scope all of these projects. Scoping begins with a short onsite safety assessment with key stakeholders and technical staff to verify and finalize all project safety elements. ODOT will be contacting the appropriate jurisdiction’s contact people to schedule those soon. Next, scoping with all design disciplines to develop the final cost estimate will occur.

Thank you for your participation in ARTS.

Sue D'Agnese

ODOT Region 1 Traffic Manager

123 NW Flanders

Portland, OR 97209

503 731 3427

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