From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Mon Oct 20 12:02:28 2014

To: Garrett Edmunds

Subject: FW: APWA Streets and Collections Training Courses

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image002.png;


FYI – Talk to Ryan to see if he’s available next week. If not, see who else is interested.


From: Heather Penni []

Sent: Monday, October 20, 2014 11:55 AM

To: Jennifer Cline

Subject: RE: APWA Streets and Collections Training Courses

Go for it!

From: Jennifer Cline []

Sent: Monday, October 20, 2014 11:54 AM

To: Dan Huff

Cc: Garrett Edmunds; Heather Penni

Subject: APWA Streets and Collections Training Courses

Hi Dan,

Here’s a 3 day training for the guys on current public works issues. I would like to send Garrett and Ryan next week if possible and budget permitting. The total training is $255 per person, and a room and vehicle can be shared for travel. For the content provided, this appears to be an excellent deal.

The classes are offered again in April, in which I can send two more of the crew at that time.

Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.829.6855 Ext. #218

F: 503.829.3676
