From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Fri Sep 26 15:39:20 2014
To: Heather Penni
Cc: Dan Huff; Garrett Edmunds
Subject: FW: 18696 OR213: MULINO RD - BLACKMANS CORNER -- Invoice Due
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 20140909132427538.pdf; Heather, I left a copy of this in your inbox. It is regarding the 2015 paving project of OR 213 from Mulino to OR 211. I believe this was for adjustment of both water and sewer utilities. I believe Dan has the original copies that breaks the estimate down to determine where we apply the charges. We can re-visit this on Monday when you have time. JC From: Garrett Edmunds [] Sent: Friday, September 26, 2014 3:03 PM To: Jennifer Cline Subject: FW: 18696 OR213: MULINO RD - BLACKMANS CORNER -- Invoice Due From: HOWE Heather C [] Sent: Friday, September 26, 2014 2:38 PM To: '' Cc: JONES Jennifer D Subject: 18696 OR213: MULINO RD - BLACKMANS CORNER -- Invoice Due Hi Garrett, The attached invoice was due on Sept 23rd. Can you please let me know when the check was sent to ODOT? REGION LOCAL AGENCY PROJECT NAME KN IGA# ADV DEP $ EA LETTER DATE AMOUNT PHASE DUE DATE 1 MOLALLA OR213: MULINO RD - BLACKMANS CORNER 18696 UTILITY U18696 9/9/14 $ 7,800.00 UTILITY 9/23/2014 Thanks, Heather Heather Howe, State Utility and Railroad Liaison | Oregon Dept of Transportation | 4040 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, MS#2, Salem OR 97302-1142 | 503-986-3658 | 503-385-6594 cell |503-986-3625 fax |