From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Wed Dec 17 17:30:56 2014
To: Mark Strandberg; Phillip Bender; 'J.W. Ring'
Cc: 'Jonathan Patrick'; ''; Dan Huff
Subject: Consent Decree Meeting Questions
Importance: Normal
Attachments: final draft rwup.docx; Hi – This is what I found regarding the recycled water treatment levels. They are even lower than we expected. This is an selection taken from page 4 of the amended RWUP I found in our files. I will need to confirm this is the document DEQ has approved. Jon - can you confirm this is the correct document? Recycled water for Class A sites (Coleman Ranch, the Cemetery, and the Nursery) must be monitored daily and must not exceed a median of 2.2 total coliform organisms per 100 mL based on the last 7 days of analyses and a limit of 23 total coliform organisms per 100 mL in any one sample. In addition, Class A recycled water must be filtered and the turbidity must not exceed an average of 2 NTUs in a 24-hour period, 5 NTUs more than 5 percent of the time, and 10 NTUs at any time. Turbidity monitoring must occur once every hour at a minimum. Recycled water for Class B sites (Jorgensen site and the WWTP) must be monitored three times per week and must not exceed a median of 2.2 total coliform organisms per 100 mL based on the last 7 days of testing and a limit of 23 total coliform organisms per 100 mL in any one sample. Turbidity monitoring is not required for Class B recycled water. Jennifer Cline, P.E. City of Molalla Public Works Director O: 503.759.0218 F: 503.829.3676