From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Fri May 22 17:22:14 2015

To: Mark Strandberg; 'Christine Hein'; 'J.W. Ring'; Phillip Bender

Cc: Dan Huff; Sadie Cramer; Heather Penni

Subject: Citizen Call

Importance: Normal



I received a call at 4:38pm from 503-349-0882 who stated he was Mark Douglas from address 12345 S Toliver Rd. He had very specific questions and about halfway through it sounded like he was being coached by “someone in the background”. As if he was repeating questions being told to him. He acknowledged the letter we gave to his wife the day before and had some questions/concerns:

· He first indicated that the letter said he could have his water sampled. I confirmed that and we could arrange for his well to sampled next week.

· He asked if it would be sampled by the City or a Third Party, I told him we planned to have our operator sample the well, but we could have Brown and Caldwell do it as well. He requested that B&C sample the well.

· He asked if the City would reimburse drinking water until their water was tested. I said that could be arranged but he would need to save his receipts.

· He expressed his concern with why it has taken several days to respond and that he see’s the spill occurred on the 11th . I state that was understandable.

· He asked what was being done in the future to improve this, I stated we are reviewing our ERP.

· He asked when that was going to be completed, and I stated we are currently working on this now.

· He asked how long the spill was going on and that he understood that it was a garden hose amount and if I knew the flow rate. I told him we are uncertain when the spill began and the plant was physically seen on Saturday to be operating. We do not know the exact rate of the flow at this time.

· He ask how is the plant managed, like is someone on site daily, do we physically visit the plant. I stated we are physically at the plant M-F and on the weekend periodically when taking samples and the plant can also be monitored by remote access.

· He requested the report sent to DEQ, I directed him to our website, and contact Sadie Cramer the City Recorder for a public records request. I asked him to recognize that Monday was a holiday and that he should her something from Sadie on the following working day, Tuesday.

Feel free to call me if you have any questions on my cell 503-793-7026

Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

117 N Molalla Ave.

PO Box 248 *

Molalla, OR 97038

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

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