From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Tue Jul 07 09:28:42 2015

To: Phillip Bender

Cc: 'J.W. Ring'; Mark Strandberg; 'Christine Hein'; Dan Huff

Subject: Checklist- N Coleman(3).docx

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Checklist- N Coleman(3).docx;


Hi Phil,

Please see my comments, some of them are imbedded in Bill’s comments.

I’ve asked Jake to take moisture block readings regardless of rain events. If we can define what is a significant rain event, then we can use that as a guideline when to take readings. If I can reduce workloads, it helps reduce stress.

I am also aware changing the RWUP takes 60 days for review by DEQ. Since it’s not defined, can we define that internally?
