From: Jennifer Cline
Sent: Tue Dec 02 16:03:08 2014
To: Nicolas Lennartz
Cc: Dan Huff; Garrett Edmunds; 'Sadie Cramer'
Subject: CDGB Project Recommendations
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.png; After reviewing the current pavement and ADA conditions with Garrett, and taking in consideration the following factors; Urban Renewal Project List, TSP and existing community concerns, I recommend the following four (4) project areas for improvements: Lola Street Improvements – Phase 1 (Main St to 3rd St.) Sidewalk and ADA ramp improvements will ensure pedestrian connectivity from the surrounding local residents to the Center of town. Upon completion of Phase 2 of Lola St. improvements, pedestrian connectivity will be complete from 5th to Main St. will be complete. Currently, 5th St. has sidewalks on both sides of the street connecting neighborhoods east of Lola to Fox Park west of Lola. With added sidewalks and ADA Ramps on Lola St. this also will provide a direct pedestrian connection between Main St. and 5th St. for residents to Fox Park. A survey will be conducted to identify the percentage of residents living on or adjacent to Lola Ave. SDC funding may also be utilized to address storm, water or sanity sewer utilities upgrades. The proposed improvements are as follows: · Main St to 2nd - Continue 5’ sidewalks on both sides of the street and ADA Ramps on 2nd. Add and relocate storm drainage. · 2nd to 3rd – Reconstruct pavement, construct new sidewalks and ADA ramps. Add storm drainage system. · Address water and sanitary sewer upgrades through SDC funding. Lola Street Improvements – Phase 2 (3rd St. to 5th St.) Sidewalk and ADA ramp improvements will ensure pedestrian connectivity from the surrounding local residents to the Center of town. Upon completion of Phase 2 of Lola St. improvements, pedestrian connectivity will be complete from 5th to Main St. will be complete. Currently, 5th St. has sidewalks on both sides of the street connecting neighborhoods east of Lola to Fox Park west of Lola. With added sidewalks and ADA Ramps on Lola St. this also will provide a direct pedestrian connection between Main St. and 5th St. for residents to Fox Park. A survey will be conducted to identify the percentage of residents living on or adjacent to Lola Ave. SDC funding may also be utilized to address storm, water or sanity sewer utilities upgrades. The proposed improvements are as follows: · 3rd to 5th – Reconstruct pavement, construct new sidewalks and ADA ramps. Add storm drainage system. · Address water and sanitary sewer upgrades through SDC funding. Kennel Ave. and Ross S. - Pavement and Sidewalk Improvements – Sidewalk and ADA ramp improvements will ensure pedestrian connectivity for the senior residents to the adult center from the east and south side of town. In addition, the majority of the residents utilizing and residing Kennel Ave. live in high-density townhomes, community living apartments and mobile park homes. A survey will be conducted of residents living on Kennel or utilizing the Adult Center to identify the percentage that are low income or on public assistance. SDC funding may also be utilized to address storm, water or sanity sewer utilities upgrades. The proposed improvements are as follows: · Reconstruct pavement, add and relocate storm drains, and construct 5’ sidewalk and ramps on both sides of Kennel Ave. between Main St. and Ross St. vicinity · Reconstruct ADA ramp on Kennel Ave. east side of street between Skate Park and Adult Center · Construct 5’ sidewalks along the north side of Ross St. · Address water and sanitary sewer upgrades through SDC funding. 5th Street Improvements – S. Molalla Ave. to Hart Ave. – Sidewalk and ADA ramp improvements will ensure pedestrian connectivity for neighborhood residents west of S. Molalla Ave to Fox Park. In addition, Molalla Ave. is a direct route to the City Center. A survey will be conducted of residents living on or near 5th St. to identify the percentage that are low income or on public assistance. SDC funding may also be utilized to address storm, water or sanity sewer utilities upgrades. The proposed improvements are as follows: · Reconstruct pavement, add storm drains and construct 5’ sidewalks with ADA ramps on the south side of 5th St. between S. Molalla Ave and Hart Ave. Existing homes on the north side of 5th already have limits driveway parking. Providing sidewalks on the north side of the street would force on street parking or pedestrians into the street when walking around vehicles parked across the sidewalk driveway approach. · Address water and sanitary sewer upgrades through SDC funding. Jennifer Cline, P.E. City of Molalla Public Works Director O: 503.759.0218 F: 503.829.3676