From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Mon Oct 05 11:01:58 2015

Required: Dan Huff; Sadie Cramer; Dennis Welle; Lee, Rob; 'Peggy Johnson'

Subject: CCTV Bid Opening

Location: City Hall

Start time: Tue Oct 06 12:00:00 2015

End time: Tue Oct 06 12:00:00 2015

Importance: High

Attachments: RFP NO PW-15-02_CCTV_Sanitary Sewer.pdf;




Tomorrow (Oct 6th @ noon) is due date for the CCTV RFP. This is not a typical bid opening so we just need to collect the RFP and let them know we will make our selection by next Tuesday Oct. 13th and will be seeking council approval on Tuesday Oct. 14th



I have attached the RFP for reference.