From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Tue Jan 13 14:23:01 2015

To: ''

Cc: Nicolas Lennartz; Joyce Stahly

Subject: 13257

Importance: Normal

Attachments: 13257 S Hwy 211.pdf;


Hi Luis,

Attached is the survey for 13257 S Hwy 211/Main St. Showing the shared easement. As I stated on the phone, if the property for sale connected into another lateral sewer line. The line must be separated and a new lateral sewer line connecting to the City sewer main on 211 must be constructed. I will ask Joyce to look into the connect fees that were paid for the property.


Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F: 503.829.3676

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