8 This Combustion Source Emission Factor (EF) Search Tool is provided for use with the AQ104B Toxics Reporting form and the Air Toxics Emissions Inventory (ATEI) reporting forms, specifically for Worksheets 2 & 3 (color-coded salmon orange). Use of this tool is optional, and operators should determine if the compiled EFs presented here best capture their facility operations, or if other equipment-specific or site-specific EFs are available. Operators who do elect to use this tool, should include all of the provided emission factors for the equipment and not choose selectively.  
10 These emission factors are assembled from the resources in the Reference section below and have been approved by the Cleaner Air Oregon (CAO) program as acceptable for use in a CAO emissions inventory review. In the absence of facility-specific source tests or manufacturer test data, which may demonstrate different air toxics emissions, these EFs were selected to cover a broad range of possible air toxic contaminants resulting from common fossil fuel combustion activities, and produce conservative emissions estimates. To use the tool, simply copy/paste the complete set of emission factors for the sought equipment type directly into the AQ104B Toxics or ATEI Reporting Form.  
12 All emission factors listed in this Tool are for uncontrolled* equipment. In other words, no pollution control efficiency is included in the factor. If one or more control devices are present on an emitting unit, that should be clearly captured in the reporting ATEI form Worksheets 2 & 3 to ensure that emissions reductions are appropriately captured. Follow the instructions presented below and in the reporting form.  
14 If the the units of measure presented in this form do not match those of the facility, or of the operating permit, it may be neceessary to convert units. This step should be performed before the information is pasted into the ATEI reporting form.  
16 * For Natural Gas and Diesel fired equipment, the default emission factor for Ammonia is based on emission units with Selective Noncatalytic Reduction (SNCR) equipment. Refer to the original chapters in AP-42 to substitute the Ammonia emission factor for units with Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) equipment.  
18 DEQ's Air Toxics Emissions Reporting website:                    
19 https://www.oregon.gov/deq/aq/air-toxics/Pages/Air-Toxics-Emissions-Inventory.aspx                  
20 Cleaner Air Oregon website:                      
21 https://www.oregon.gov/deq/aq/cao/Pages/default.aspx                    
26 1) Enter the emission units, control devices and activity on Worksheet 2 of the AQ104B Toxics Reporting or Air Toxics Emissions Inventory reporting form, "2.Emission Units & Activities". Below in an example of a facility with two emission units, an uncontrolled natural gas boiler, and a diesel engine with a catalytic converter control.  
30 2) Locate the equipment in the Combustion EF Search Tool, and confirm that the equipment type and size are appropriately covered by the available emission factors (also located in the Reference table, below).  
32 Copy the data for your combustion unit (just the data, not the headers) and paste it into the Reporting form, Worksheet 3 "3.Pollutant Emission-EF" under the correct column headings in the black bar (the form is locked to prevent entering data into the example rows in red text). Repeat this step for each emission unit listed on the reporting form, Worksheet 2.  
34 a) Select the set of emission factors for the piece of equipment. Copy all the data but omit the headers. In this case, the boiler is 26 MMBtu/hr so the 10-100MMBtu/hr Emission Factors were chosen.  
38 b) Paste the data onto Worksheet 3 "3. Pollutant Emission-EF" of your 2020 AT EI form. Paste to the first open cell in the CAS column, below the black header bar.  
42 4) On your AQ104B Toxics Reporting form or AT EI form, copy the Emission Unit ID from Worksheet 2 and paste to each row for that unit on Worksheet 3. As this step is repeated, the warnings in Column I will be replaced with the emissions calculations.  
45 5) Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each emission unit listed on Worksheet 2 (refer to Step 1 example, above).  
48 6) In Worksheet 3 of the reporting form, update the control efficiencies for the control device and note that the resulting emission estimates update accordingly. This information may come from manufacturer specifications. In this example, the catalytic oxidizer removes some organics, but not the metals.  
55 Fuel Type Equipment Type Equipment Size or Tier Form citation Resource  
56 Natural Gas External Combustion: Boiler, Oven, Dryer, Furnace, Heater, Afterburner (a) <10 MMBtu/hr CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a) WebFIRE/ AP-42 Section 1.4 (metals); SCAQMD AB2588 - Default Emission Factors for Fuel Combustion, Table B-1*  
57 (b) 10-100 MMBtu/hr CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)  
58 (c) >100MMBtu/hr CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)  
59 Natural Gas Turbine   AP-42 3.1 AP-42 3.1 Table 3.1-3, lb/MMBtu converted to lb/MMscf  
60 Natural Gas Flare, non-refinery   SCAQMD AB2588 B-1 SCAQMD AB2588 - Default Emission Factors for Fuel Combustion, Table B-1  
61 Natural Gas Internal Combustion Engine (stationary and portable) (a) 2 Stroke-Lean Burn CAO NG Int. Comb. (a) SCAQMD AB2588 - Default Emission Factors for Fuel Combustion, Table B-1; AP-42 3.2 (Tables 3.2-1 to 3.2-3), lb/MMBtu converted to lb/MMscf  
62 (b) 4 Stroke-Lean Burn CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)  
63 (c) 4 Stroke-Rich Burn CAO NG Int. Comb. (c)  
64 Diesel External Combustion: Boiler, Oven, Dryer, Furnace, Heater, Afterburner   SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 External SCAQMD AB2588 - Default Emission Factors for Fuel Combustion*, Table B-2 External
65 Diesel Turbine   SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 Turbine SCAQMD AB2588 - Default Emission Factors for Fuel Combustion*, Table B-2 Turbine
66 Diesel Internal Combustion Engine   SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 SCAQMD AB2588 - Default Emission Factors for Fuel Combustion*, Table B-2  
67 Diesel Internal Combustion Engine (stationary and portable) (a) Tier 0 or 1 (or <750kW) CAO Diesel RICE (a)   SCAQMD AB2588 - Default Emission Factors for Fuel Combustion*, Table B-2 Internal; DEQ Approved Data Center EF Analysis May 2022  
68 (b) Tier 2 or 4 (>750kW) CAO Diesel RICE (b)    
69 LPG, Butane, Propane External Combustion: Boiler, Oven, Dryer, Furnace, Heater, Afterburner (a) <10 MMBtu/hr SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a) SCAQMD AB2588 - Default Emission Factors for Fuel Combustion, Table B-3  
70 (b) 10-100 MMBtu/hr SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)  
71 (c) >100MMBtu/hr SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)  
72 LPG, Butane, Propane Turbine   SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 SCAQMD AB2588 - Default Emission Factors for Fuel Combustion, Table B-3  
73 LPG, Butane, Propane Internal Combustion Engine (stationary and portable) (a) 2 Stroke-Lean Burn SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a) SCAQMD AB2588 - Default Emission Factors for Fuel Combustion, Table B-3  
74 (b) 4 Stroke-Lean Burn SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)  
75 (c) 4 Stroke-Rich Burn SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)  
76 Gasoline Internal Combustion Engine (stationary and portable) (a) Non-catalyst, stationary and portable SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (a) SCAQMD AB2588 - Default Emission Factors for Fuel Combustion, Table B-4  
77 (b) Catalyst, portable SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (b)  
78 (c) Catalyst, stationary SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (c)  
79 Jet Fuel Turbine   SCAQMD AB2588 B-5 SCAQMD AB2588 - Default Emission Factors for Fuel Combustion, Table B-5  
81 * Benzo[a]pyrene is included in the diesel combustion emission sets for completeness for noncancer risk analysis under the CAO program, however it should be disregarded for calculation of cancer risk. See the CAO Step 2: Toxic Air Contaminant Emissions Inventory and Source Testing question on Diesel emergency generators for a complete explanation, https://www.oregon.gov/deq/aq/cao/Pages/faq-step2.aspx  
82 See CAO website for more information about the DEQ Approved Data Center Emission Factor Analysis, May 2022              

Combustion EF Tool Instructions

  A B C D E F G H
1 Natural Gas External Combustion (Boiler, Oven, Dryer, Heater, Afterburner, Furnace)
2 Emission factors for natural gas-fired external combustion equipment are divided into three sets based on the heat capacity rating of the equipment (<10 MMBtu/hr, 10-100 MMBtu/hr and >100 MMBtu/hr). The emission factors presented here are a combination of EPA's AP-42 section 1.4 for metals, and California's South Coast Air Quality Monitoring District AB2588 for organic compounds, and were selected to be comprehensive and conservative when used in a risk assessment. Criteria pollutants are not included in this data set, as they are typically mandated in permit. See CAO Combustion FAQ for more information about inclusion of Benzo[a]pyrene in this compilation.
4 Ammonia (highlighted yellow): the listed 18 lb/MMSCF value corresponds to equipment with SNCR control. For equipment with SCR, substitute the listed value with 9.1 lb/MMSCF, and for equipment without SNCR or SCR, substitute listed value with 3.2 lb/MMSCF. Update Note accordingly.
6 Relevant units of measure: MMBtu = Million British Thermal Units, MMSCF = Million Standard Cubic Feet
8 <10 MMBtu/hr
9   CAS or DEQ ID Pollutant Name Controlled EF? Control
EF Value Units EF Reference/Notes
10   75-07-0 Acetaldehyde N 0.00% 0.0043 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
11   107-02-8 Acrolein N 0.00% 0.0027 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
12   7664-41-7 Ammonia N 0.00% 18 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
13   7440-38-2 Arsenic and compounds N 0.00% 0.0002 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
14   7440-39-3 Barium and compounds N 0.00% 0.0044 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
15   71-43-2 Benzene N 0.00% 0.008 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
16   7440-41-7 Beryllium and compounds N 0.00% 0.000012 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
17   7440-43-9 Cadmium and compounds N 0.00% 0.0011 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
18   18540-29-9 Chromium VI, chromate and dichromate particulate N 0.00% 0.0014 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
19   7440-48-4 Cobalt and compounds N 0.00% 0.000084 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
20   7440-50-8 Copper and compounds N 0.00% 0.00085 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
21   100-41-4 Ethyl benzene N 0.00% 0.0095 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
22   50-00-0 Formaldehyde N 0.00% 0.017 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
23   110-54-3 Hexane N 0.00% 0.0063 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
24   7439-92-1 Lead and compounds N 0.00% 0.0005 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
25   7439-96-5 Manganese and compounds N 0.00% 0.00038 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
26   7439-97-6 Mercury and compounds N 0.00% 0.00026 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
27   1313-27-5 Molybdenum trioxide N 0.00% 0.00165 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
28   91-20-3 Naphthalene N 0.00% 0.0003 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
29   365 Nickel compounds, insoluble N 0.00% 0.0021 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
30   401 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) N 0.00% 0.0001 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
31   7782-49-2 Selenium and compounds N 0.00% 0.000024 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
32   108-88-3 Toluene N 0.00% 0.0366 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
33   7440-62-2 Vanadium (fume or dust) N 0.00% 0.0023 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
34   1330-20-7 Xylene (mixture), including m-xylene, o-xylene, p-xylene N 0.00% 0.0272 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
35   7440-66-6 Zinc and compounds N 0.00% 0.029 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (a)
38 10-100 MMBtu/hr
39   CAS or DEQ ID Pollutant Name Controlled EF? Control
EF Value Units EF Reference/Notes
40   75-07-0 Acetaldehyde N 0.00% 0.0031 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
41   107-02-8 Acrolein N 0.00% 0.0027 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
42   7664-41-7 Ammonia N 0.00% 18 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
43   7440-38-2 Arsenic and compounds N 0.00% 0.0002 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
44   7440-39-3 Barium and compounds N 0.00% 0.0044 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
45   71-43-2 Benzene N 0.00% 0.0058 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
46   50-32-8 Benzo[a]pyrene N 0.00% 0.0000012 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
47   7440-41-7 Beryllium and compounds N 0.00% 0.000012 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
48   7440-43-9 Cadmium and compounds N 0.00% 0.0011 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
49   18540-29-9 Chromium VI, chromate and dichromate particulate N 0.00% 0.0014 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
50   7440-48-4 Cobalt and compounds N 0.00% 0.000084 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
51   7440-50-8 Copper and compounds N 0.00% 0.00085 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
52   100-41-4 Ethyl benzene N 0.00% 0.0069 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
53   50-00-0 Formaldehyde N 0.00% 0.0123 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
54   110-54-3 Hexane N 0.00% 0.0046 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
55   7439-92-1 Lead and compounds N 0.00% 0.0005 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
56   7439-96-5 Manganese and compounds N 0.00% 0.00038 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
57   7439-97-6 Mercury and compounds N 0.00% 0.00026 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
58   1313-27-5 Molybdenum trioxide N 0.00% 0.00165 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
59   91-20-3 Naphthalene N 0.00% 0.0003 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
60   365 Nickel compounds, insoluble N 0.00% 0.0021 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
61   401 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) N 0.00% 0.0001 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
62   7782-49-2 Selenium and compounds N 0.00% 0.000024 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
63   108-88-3 Toluene N 0.00% 0.0265 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
64   7440-62-2 Vanadium (fume or dust) N 0.00% 0.0023 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
65   1330-20-7 Xylene (mixture), including m-xylene, o-xylene, p-xylene N 0.00% 0.0197 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
66   7440-66-6 Zinc and compounds N 0.00% 0.029 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (b)
69 >100 MMBtu/hr
70   CAS or DEQ ID Pollutant Name Controlled EF? Control
EF Value Units EF Reference/Notes
71   75-07-0 Acetaldehyde N 0.00% 0.0009 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
72   107-02-8 Acrolein N 0.00% 0.0008 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
73   7664-41-7 Ammonia N 0.00% 18 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
74   7440-38-2 Arsenic and compounds N 0.00% 0.0002 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
75   7440-39-3 Barium and compounds N 0.00% 0.0044 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
76   71-43-2 Benzene N 0.00% 0.0017 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
77   50-32-8 Benzo[a]pyrene N 0.00% 0.0000012 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
78   7440-41-7 Beryllium and compounds N 0.00% 0.000012 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
79   7440-43-9 Cadmium and compounds N 0.00% 0.0011 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
80   18540-29-9 Chromium VI, chromate and dichromate particulate N 0.00% 0.0014 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
81   7440-48-4 Cobalt and compounds N 0.00% 0.000084 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
82   7440-50-8 Copper and compounds N 0.00% 0.00085 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
83   100-41-4 Ethyl benzene N 0.00% 0.002 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
84   50-00-0 Formaldehyde N 0.00% 0.0036 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
85   110-54-3 Hexane N 0.00% 0.0013 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
86   7439-92-1 Lead and compounds N 0.00% 0.0005 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
87   7439-96-5 Manganese and compounds N 0.00% 0.00038 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
88   7439-97-6 Mercury and compounds N 0.00% 0.00026 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
89   1313-27-5 Molybdenum trioxide N 0.00% 0.00165 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
90   91-20-3 Naphthalene N 0.00% 0.0003 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
91   365 Nickel compounds, insoluble N 0.00% 0.0021 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
92   401 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) N 0.00% 0.0001 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
93   7782-49-2 Selenium and compounds N 0.00% 0.000024 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
94   108-88-3 Toluene N 0.00% 0.0078 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
95   7440-62-2 Vanadium (fume or dust) N 0.00% 0.0023 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
96   1330-20-7 Xylene (mixture), including m-xylene, o-xylene, p-xylene N 0.00% 0.0058 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)
97   7440-66-6 Zinc and compounds N 0.00% 0.029 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Ext. Comb. (c)

NG Ext Comb

  A B C D E F G H
1 Natural Gas Turbine
2 Emission factors for natural gas turbines are from EPA's AP-42 section 3.1, but converted from MMBtu to MMSCF. Criteria pollutants are not included in this data set, as they are typically mandated in permit. See CAO Combustion FAQ for more information.
4 Ammonia (highlighted yellow): the listed 18 lb/MMSCF value corresponds to equipment with SNCR control. For equipment with SCR, substitute the listed value with 9.1 lb/MMSCF, and for equipment without SNCR or SCR, substitute listed value with 3.2 lb/MMSCF. Update Note accordingly.
6 Relevant units of measure: MMBtu = Million British Thermal Units, MMSCF = Million Standard Cubic Feet
8 All sizes
9   CAS or DEQ ID Pollutant Name Controlled EF? Control
EF Values Units EF Reference/Notes
10   106-99-0 1,3-Butadiene N 0.00% 0.000439 lb/MMscf AP-42 3.1 - Table 3.1-3
11   75-07-0 Acetaldehyde N 0.00% 0.0408 lb/MMscf AP-42 3.1 - Table 3.1-3
12   107-02-8 Acrolein N 0.00% 0.00653 lb/MMscf AP-42 3.1 - Table 3.1-3
13   7664-41-7 Ammonia N 0.00% 18 lb/MMscf AP-42 3.1 - Table 3.1-3
14   71-43-2 Benzene N 0.00% 0.0122 lb/MMscf AP-42 3.1 - Table 3.1-3
15   100-41-4 Ethyl benzene N 0.00% 0.0326 lb/MMscf AP-42 3.1 - Table 3.1-3
16   50-00-0 Formaldehyde N 0.00% 0.724 lb/MMscf AP-42 3.1 - Table 3.1-3
17   91-20-3 Naphthalene N 0.00% 0.00133 lb/MMscf AP-42 3.1 - Table 3.1-3
18   401 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) N 0.00% 0.000918 lb/MMscf AP-42 3.1 - Table 3.1-3
19   75-56-9 Propylene oxide N 0.00% 0.0296 lb/MMscf AP-42 3.1 - Table 3.1-3
20   108-88-3 Toluene N 0.00% 0.133 lb/MMscf AP-42 3.1 - Table 3.1-3
21   1330-20-7 Xylene (mixture), including m-xylene, o-xylene, p-xylene N 0.00% 0.0653 lb/MMscf AP-42 3.1 - Table 3.1-3

NG Turbine

  A B C D E F G H
1 Natural Gas Flare, Non-Refinery
2 Emission factors for natural gas non-refinery flares are from California's South Coast Air Quality Monitoring District AB2588 reporting program. Criteria pollutants are not included in this data set, as they are typically mandated in permit. See CAO Combustion FAQ for more information.
4 Relevant units of measure: MMSCF = Million Standard Cubic Feet
6 All sizes
7   CAS or DEQ ID Pollutant Name Controlled EF? Control
EF Values Units EF Reference/Notes
8   75-07-0 Acetaldehyde N 0.00% 0.043 lb/MMSCF SCAQMD AB2588 B-1
9   107-02-8 Acrolein N 0.00% 0.01 lb/MMSCF SCAQMD AB2588 B-1
10   71-43-2 Benzene N 0.00% 0.159 lb/MMSCF SCAQMD AB2588 B-1
11   100-41-4 Ethyl benzene N 0.00% 1.444 lb/MMSCF SCAQMD AB2588 B-1
12   50-00-0 Formaldehyde N 0.00% 1.169 lb/MMSCF SCAQMD AB2588 B-1
13   110-54-3 Hexane N 0.00% 0.029 lb/MMSCF SCAQMD AB2588 B-1
14   91-20-3 Naphthalene N 0.00% 0.011 lb/MMSCF SCAQMD AB2588 B-1
15   401 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) N 0.00% 0.003 lb/MMSCF SCAQMD AB2588 B-1
16   108-88-3 Toluene N 0.00% 0.058 lb/MMSCF SCAQMD AB2588 B-1
17   1330-20-7 Xylene (mixture), including m-xylene, o-xylene, p-xylene N 0.00% 0.029 lb/MMSCF SCAQMD AB2588 B-1

NG Flare

  A B C D E F G H
1 Natural Gas Internal Combustion Engines (Stationary and Portable)
2 Most natural gas-fired reciprocating engines are used in the natural gas industry at pipeline compressor and storage stations and at gas processing plants. Emission factors for natural gas-fired reciprocating engines are separated into three design classes: 2-cycle (stroke) lean-burn, 4-stroke lean-burn, and 4-stroke rich-burn. The emission factors presented here are a combination of EPA's AP-42 section 3.2 and California's South Coast Air Quality Monitoring District AB2588, and were converted from MMBtu to MMSCF. Criteria pollutants are not included in this data set, as they are typically mandated in permit. PAHs are listed individually.
4 Ammonia (highlighted yellow): the listed 18 lb/MMSCF value corresponds to equipment with Selective Non-catalytic Reduction (SNCR). For equipment with Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR), substitute the listed value with 9.1 lb/MMSCF, and for equipment without SNCR or SCR, substitute listed value with 3.2 lb/MMSCF. Update Note accordingly.
6 Relevant units of measure: MMBtu = Million British Thermal Units, MMSCF = Million Standard Cubic Feet
8 2 Stroke-Lean Burn
9   CAS or DEQ ID Pollutant Name Controlled EF? Control
EF Values Units EF Reference/Notes
10   79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane N 0.00% 0.0676 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
11   79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane (Vinyl trichloride) N 0.00% 0.0538 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
12   95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene N 0.00% 0.113 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
13   78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane (Propylene dichloride) N 0.00% 0.0455 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
14   106-99-0 1,3-Butadiene N 0.00% 0.836 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
15   542-75-6 1,3-Dichloropropene N 0.00% 0.0447 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
16   91-57-6 2-Methyl naphthalene N 0.00% 0.0218 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
17   83-32-9 Acenaphthene N 0.00% 0.00136 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
18   208-96-8 Acenaphthylene N 0.00% 0.00323 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
19   75-07-0 Acetaldehyde N 0.00% 7.92 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
20   107-02-8 Acrolein N 0.00% 7.94 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
21   7664-41-7 Ammonia N 0.00% 18 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
22   120-12-7 Anthracene N 0.00% 0.000732 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
23   56-55-3 Benz[a]anthracene N 0.00% 0.000343 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
24   71-43-2 Benzene N 0.00% 1.98 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
25   50-32-8 Benzo[a]pyrene N 0.00% 0.00000579 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
26   205-99-2 Benzo[b]fluoranthene N 0.00% 0.00000868 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
27   192-97-2 Benzo[e]pyrene N 0.00% 0.0000239 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
28   191-24-2 Benzo[g,h,i]perylene N 0.00% 0.0000253 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
29   207-08-9 Benzo[k]fluoranthene N 0.00% 0.00000435 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
30   56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride N 0.00% 0.0619 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
31   67-66-3 Chloroform N 0.00% 0.048 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
32   218-01-9 Chrysene N 0.00% 0.000685 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
33   75-09-2 Dichloromethane (Methylene chloride) N 0.00% 0.15 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
34   100-41-4 Ethyl benzene N 0.00% 0.11 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
35   106-93-4 Ethylene dibromide (EDB, 1,2-Dibromoethane) N 0.00% 0.0749 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
36   107-06-2 Ethylene dichloride (EDC, 1,2-Dichloroethane) N 0.00% 0.043 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
37   206-44-0 Fluoranthene N 0.00% 0.000368 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
38   86-73-7 Fluorene N 0.00% 0.00172 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
39   50-00-0 Formaldehyde N 0.00% 56.3 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
40   110-54-3 Hexane N 0.00% 0.454 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
41   193-39-5 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene N 0.00% 0.0000101 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
42   67-56-1 Methanol N 0.00% 2.53 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
43   91-20-3 Naphthalene N 0.00% 0.09823 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
44   198-55-0 Perylene N 0.00% 0.00000507 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
45   85-01-8 Phenanthrene N 0.00% 0.0036 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
46   129-00-0 Pyrene N 0.00% 0.000596 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
47   100-42-5 Styrene N 0.00% 0.0559 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
48   108-88-3 Toluene N 0.00% 0.982 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
49   75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride N 0.00% 0.0252 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
50   1330-20-7 Xylene (mixture), including m-xylene, o-xylene, p-xylene N 0.00% 0.273 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (a)
53 4 Stroke-Lean Burn
54   CAS or DEQ ID Pollutant Name Controlled EF? Control
EF Values Units EF Reference/Notes
55   79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane N 0.00% 0.0408 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
56   79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane (Vinyl trichloride) N 0.00% 0.0324 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
57   95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene N 0.00% 0.0146 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
58   78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane (Propylene dichloride) N 0.00% 0.0274 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
59   106-99-0 1,3-Butadiene N 0.00% 0.272 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
60   542-75-6 1,3-Dichloropropene N 0.00% 0.0269 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
61   91-57-6 2-Methyl naphthalene N 0.00% 0.0339 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
62   83-32-9 Acenaphthene N 0.00% 0.00128 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
63   208-96-8 Acenaphthylene N 0.00% 0.00564 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
64   75-07-0 Acetaldehyde N 0.00% 8.53 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
65   107-02-8 Acrolein N 0.00% 5.24 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
66   7664-41-7 Ammonia N 0.00% 18 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
67   71-43-2 Benzene N 0.00% 0.449 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
68   205-99-2 Benzo[b]fluoranthene N 0.00% 0.000169 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
69   192-97-2 Benzo[e]pyrene N 0.00% 0.000423 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
70   191-24-2 Benzo[g,h,i]perylene N 0.00% 0.000422 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
71   56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride N 0.00% 0.0374 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
72   67-66-3 Chloroform N 0.00% 0.0291 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
73   218-01-9 Chrysene N 0.00% 0.000707 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
74   75-09-2 Dichloromethane (Methylene chloride) N 0.00% 0.0204 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
75   100-41-4 Ethyl benzene N 0.00% 0.0405 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
76   106-93-4 Ethylene dibromide (EDB, 1,2-Dibromoethane) N 0.00% 0.0452 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
77   107-06-2 Ethylene dichloride (EDC, 1,2-Dichloroethane) N 0.00% 0.0241 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
78   206-44-0 Fluoranthene N 0.00% 0.00113 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
79   86-73-7 Fluorene N 0.00% 0.00578 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
80   50-00-0 Formaldehyde N 0.00% 53.9 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
81   110-54-3 Hexane N 0.00% 1.13 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
82   67-56-1 Methanol N 0.00% 2.55 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
83   91-20-3 Naphthalene N 0.00% 0.0759 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
84   85-01-8 Phenanthrene N 0.00% 0.0106 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
85   129-00-0 Pyrene N 0.00% 0.00139 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
86   100-42-5 Styrene N 0.00% 0.0241 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
87   108-88-3 Toluene N 0.00% 0.416 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
88   75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride N 0.00% 0.0152 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
89   1330-20-7 Xylene (mixture), including m-xylene, o-xylene, p-xylene N 0.00% 0.188 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (b)
92 4 Stroke-Rich Burn
93   CAS or DEQ ID Pollutant Name Controlled EF? Control
EF Values Units EF Reference/Notes
94   79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane N 0.00% 0.0258 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (c)
95   79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane (Vinyl trichloride) N 0.00% 0.0156 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (c)
96   78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane (Propylene dichloride) N 0.00% 0.0133 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (c)
97   106-99-0 1,3-Butadiene N 0.00% 0.676 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (c)
98   542-75-6 1,3-Dichloropropene N 0.00% 0.013 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (c)
99   75-07-0 Acetaldehyde N 0.00% 2.85 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (c)
100   107-02-8 Acrolein N 0.00% 2.68 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (c)
101   7664-41-7 Ammonia N 0.00% 18 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (c)
102   71-43-2 Benzene N 0.00% 1.61 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (c)
103   56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride N 0.00% 0.0181 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (c)
104   67-66-3 Chloroform N 0.00% 0.014 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (c)
105   75-09-2 Dichloromethane (Methylene chloride) N 0.00% 0.042 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (c)
106   100-41-4 Ethyl benzene N 0.00% 0.0253 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (c)
107   106-93-4 Ethylene dibromide (EDB, 1,2-Dibromoethane) N 0.00% 0.0217 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (c)
108   107-06-2 Ethylene dichloride (EDC, 1,2-Dichloroethane) N 0.00% 0.0115 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (c)
109   50-00-0 Formaldehyde N 0.00% 20.9 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (c)
110   67-56-1 Methanol N 0.00% 3.12 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (c)
111   91-20-3 Naphthalene N 0.00% 0.099 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (c)
112   100-42-5 Styrene N 0.00% 0.0121 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (c)
113   108-88-3 Toluene N 0.00% 0.569 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (c)
114   75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride N 0.00% 0.00732 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (c)
115   1330-20-7 Xylene (mixture), including m-xylene, o-xylene, p-xylene N 0.00% 0.199 lb/MMSCF CAO NG Int. Comb. (c)

NG Engine

  A B C D E F G H
1 Diesel External Combustion (Boiler, Oven, Dryer, Heater, Afterburner)
2 Emission factors for externally-fired combustion equipment are from California's South Coast Air Quality Monitoring District AB2588 table B-2 for External combustion equipment. See CAO Combustion FAQ for more information about inclusion of Benzo[a]pyrene in this compilation.
4 Ammonia (highlighted yellow): the listed 2.9 lb/M gal value corresponds to equipment with Selective Non-catalytic Reduction (SNCR). For equipment with Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR), substitute the listed value with 1.4 lb/M gal, and for equipment without SNCR or SCR, substitute listed value with 0.8 lb/M gal. Update Note accordingly.
6 Relevant units of measure: M gal = 1,000 gallons
8 All sizes
9   CAS or DEQ ID Pollutant Name Controlled EF? Control
EF Values Units EF Reference/Notes
10   106-99-0 1,3-Butadiene N 0.00% 0.0148 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 External
11   75-07-0 Acetaldehyde N 0.00% 0.3506 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 External
12   107-02-8 Acrolein N 0.00% 0.3506 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 External
13   7664-41-7 Ammonia N 0.00% 2.9 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 External
14   7440-38-2 Arsenic and compounds N 0.00% 0.0016 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 External
15   71-43-2 Benzene N 0.00% 0.0044 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 External
16   50-32-8 Benzo[a]pyrene N 0.00% 0.0000352 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 External
17   7440-43-9 Cadmium and compounds N 0.00% 0.0015 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 External
18   18540-29-9 Chromium VI, chromate and dichromate particulate N 0.00% 0.0001 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 External
19   7440-50-8 Copper and compounds N 0.00% 0.0041 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 External
20   100-41-4 Ethyl benzene N 0.00% 0.0002 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 External
21   50-00-0 Formaldehyde N 0.00% 0.3506 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 External
22   110-54-3 Hexane N 0.00% 0.0035 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 External
23   7647-01-0 Hydrochloric acid N 0.00% 0.1863 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 External
24   7439-92-1 Lead and compounds N 0.00% 0.0083 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 External
25   7439-96-5 Manganese and compounds N 0.00% 0.0031 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 External
26   7439-97-6 Mercury and compounds N 0.00% 0.002 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 External
27   91-20-3 Naphthalene N 0.00% 0.0053 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 External
28   365 Nickel compounds, insoluble N 0.00% 0.0039 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 External
29   401 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) N 0.00% 0.0445 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 External
30   7782-49-2 Selenium and compounds N 0.00% 0.0022 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 External
31   108-88-3 Toluene N 0.00% 0.0044 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 External
32   1330-20-7 Xylene (mixture), including m-xylene, o-xylene, p-xylene N 0.00% 0.0016 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 External

Diesel Ext Comb

  A B C D E F G H
1 Diesel Turbine
2 Emission factors for diesel turbines are from California's South Coast Air Quality Monitoring District AB2588 table B-2 for External combustion equipment. See CAO Combustion FAQ for more information about inclusion of Benzo[a]pyrene in this compilation.
4 Ammonia (highlighted yellow): the listed 2.9 lb/M gal value corresponds to equipment with Selective Non-catalytic Reduction (SNCR). For equipment with Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR), substitute the listed value with 1.4 lb/M gal, and for equipment without SNCR or SCR, substitute listed value with 0.8 lb/M gal. Update Note accordingly.
6 Relevant units of measure: M gal = 1,000 gallons
8 All sizes
9   CAS or DEQ ID Pollutant Name Controlled EF? Control
EF Values Units EF Reference/Notes
10   106-99-0 1,3-Butadiene N 0.00% 0.2174 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 Turbine
11   75-07-0 Acetaldehyde N 0.00% 0.7833 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 Turbine
12   107-02-8 Acrolein N 0.00% 0.0339 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 Turbine
13   7664-41-7 Ammonia N 0.00% 2.9 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 Turbine
14   7440-38-2 Arsenic and compounds N 0.00% 0.0016 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 Turbine
15   71-43-2 Benzene N 0.00% 0.1863 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 Turbine
16   50-32-8 Benzo[a]pyrene N 0.00% 0.0000352 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 Turbine
17   7440-43-9 Cadmium and compounds N 0.00% 0.0015 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 Turbine
18   18540-29-9 Chromium VI, chromate and dichromate particulate N 0.00% 0.0001 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 Turbine
19   7440-50-8 Copper and compounds N 0.00% 0.0041 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 Turbine
20   100-41-4 Ethyl benzene N 0.00% 0.0109 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 Turbine
21   50-00-0 Formaldehyde N 0.00% 1.7261 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 Turbine
22   110-54-3 Hexane N 0.00% 0.0269 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 Turbine
23   7647-01-0 Hydrochloric acid N 0.00% 0.1863 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 Turbine
24   7439-92-1 Lead and compounds N 0.00% 0.0083 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 Turbine
25   7439-96-5 Manganese and compounds N 0.00% 0.0031 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 Turbine
26   7439-97-6 Mercury and compounds N 0.00% 0.002 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 Turbine
27   91-20-3 Naphthalene N 0.00% 0.0197 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 Turbine
28   365 Nickel compounds, insoluble N 0.00% 0.0039 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 Turbine
29   401 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) N 0.00% 0.0362 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 Turbine
30   7782-49-2 Selenium and compounds N 0.00% 0.0022 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 Turbine
31   108-88-3 Toluene N 0.00% 0.1054 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 Turbine
32   1330-20-7 Xylene (mixture), including m-xylene, o-xylene, p-xylene N 0.00% 0.0424 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-2 Turbine

Diesel Turbine

  A B C D E F G H
1 Diesel Internal Combustion Engines (stationary and portable)
2 In order to meet regulatory standards, internal combustion diesel engines were introduced according to a tiered structure where newer engines ahdere to stricter emissions standard than older ones. Emission factors presented here are divided by Tier 0 and 1 engines, and Tiers 2,3, and 4 engines. The emission factors are a combination of recent source test data, and those found in California's South Coast Air Quality Monitoring District AB2588 table B-2 for Internal diesel combustion engines. All engines smaller than 750kW, regardless of age or tier, should use the first emission factor set. More information is available in the References table in the Instructions tab, or on the Cleaner Air Oregon website.
4 Ammonia (highlighted yellow): the listed 2.9 lb/M gal value corresponds to equipment with Selective Non-catalytic Reduction (SNCR). For equipment with Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR), substitute the listed value with 1.4 lb/M gal, and for equipment without SNCR or SCR, substitute listed value with 0.8 lb/M gal. Update Note accordingly.
6 Relevant units of measure: M gal = 1,000 gallons
8 Pre-2006 Tier 0 and Tier 1 Diesel Internal Combustion Engines, all engines less than 750kW
9   CAS or DEQ ID Pollutant Name Controlled EF? Control
EF Values Units EF Reference/Notes
10   106-99-0 1,3-Butadiene N 0.00% 0.2174 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
11   75-07-0 Acetaldehyde N 0.00% 0.7833 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
12   107-02-8 Acrolein N 0.00% 0.0339 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
13   7664-41-7 Ammonia N 0.00% 2.9 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
14   7440-36-0 Antimony N 0.00% 3.18E-04 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
15   7440-38-2 Arsenic N 0.00% 1.60E-03 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
16   7440-39-3 Barium N 0.00% 3.74E-04 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
17   71-43-2 Benzene N 0.00% 0.1863 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
18   50-32-8 Benzo[a]pyrene N 0.00% 3.52E-05 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
19   7440-41-7 Beryllium N 0.00% 4.77E-06 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
20   7440-43-9 Cadmium N 0.00% 1.50E-03 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
21   18540-29-9 Chromium (VI) N 0.00% 1.00E-04 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
22   108-90-7 Chlorobenzene N 0.00% 2.00E-04 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
23   7440-48-4 Cobalt N 0.00% 1.58E-05 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
24   7440-50-8 Copper N 0.00% 4.10E-03 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
25   200 DPM (Filt+Cond) N 0.00% 33.5 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
26   100-41-4 Ethylbenzene N 0.00% 0.0109 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
27   50-00-0 Formaldehyde N 0.00% 1.73 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
28   110-54-3 Hexane N 0.00% 0.0269 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
29   7647-01-0 Hydrochloric acid N 0.00% 0.19 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
30   7439-92-1 Lead N 0.00% 8.30E-03 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
31   7439-96-5 Manganese N 0.00% 3.10E-03 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
32   7439-97-6 Mercury N 0.00% 2.00E-03 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
33   91-20-3 Naphthalene N 0.00% 1.97E-02 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
34   7440-02-0 Nickel N 0.00% 3.90E-03 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
35   401 PAHs (excluding Naphthalene)[3] N 0.00% 3.62E-02 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
36   504 Phosphorus N 0.00% 8.40E-03 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
37   115-07-1 Propylene N 0.00% 4.70E-01 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
38   7782-49-2 Selenium N 0.00% 2.20E-03 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
39   7440-22-4 Silver N 0.00% 4.80E-05 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
40   7440-28-0 Thallium N 0.00% 2.40E-04 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
41   108-88-3 Toluene N 0.00% 0.11 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
42   1330-20-7 Xylene (mixture), including m-xylene, o-xylene, p-xylene N 0.00% 0.04 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
43   7440-66-6 Zinc N 0.00% 5.23E-03 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (a)
46 Post-2006 Tier 2, 3 and 4 Diesel Internal Combustion Engines
47   CAS or DEQ ID Pollutant Name Controlled EF? Control
EF Values Units EF Reference/Notes
48   106-99-0 1,3-Butadiene N 0.00% 0.2174 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
49   91-57-6 2-Methyl naphthalene N 0.00% 1.23E-02 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
50   83-32-9 Acenaphthene N 0.00% 7.35E-04 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
51   208-96-8 Acenaphthylene N 0.00% 8.10E-04 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
52   75-07-0 Acetaldehyde N 0.00% 0.7833 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
53   107-02-8 Acrolein N 0.00% 0.0339 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
54   7664-41-7 Ammonia N 0.00% 2.9 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
55   120-12-7 Anthracene N 0.00% 4.52E-04 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
56   7440-36-0 Antimony N 0.00% 3.18E-04 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
57   7440-38-2 Arsenic N 0.00% 2.77E-04 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
58   7440-39-3 Barium N 0.00% 3.74E-04 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
59   56-55-3 Benz[a]anthracene N 0.00% 4.85E-05 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
60   71-43-2 Benzene N 0.00% 0.1863 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
61   50-32-8 Benzo[a]pyrene N 0.00% 1.44E-05 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
62   205-99-2 Benzo[b]fluoranthene N 0.00% 4.44E-05 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
63   192-97-2 Benzo[e]pyrene N 0.00% 3.29E-05 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
64   191-24-2 Benzo[g,h,i]perylene N 0.00% 2.19E-05 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
65   207-08-9 Benzo[k]fluoranthene N 0.00% 1.31E-05 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
66   7440-41-7 Beryllium N 0.00% 4.77E-06 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
67   7440-43-9 Cadmium N 0.00% 8.08E-05 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
68   108-90-7 Chlorobenzene N 0.00% 2.00E-04 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
69   18540-29-9 Chromium (VI) N 0.00% 3.51E-04 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
70   218-01-9 Chrysene N 0.00% 6.70E-05 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
71   7440-48-4 Cobalt N 0.00% 1.58E-05 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
72   7440-50-8 Copper N 0.00% 5.02E-04 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
73   53-70-3 Dibenz[a,h]anthracene N 0.00% 1.04E-06 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
74   200 DPM (Filt+Cond) N 0.00% 16.98 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
75   100-41-4 Ethylbenzene N 0.00% 0.0109 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
76   206-44-0 Fluoranthene N 0.00% 3.70E-04 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
77   86-73-7 Fluorene N 0.00% 2.18E-03 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
78   50-00-0 Formaldehyde N 0.00% 2.71 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
79   110-54-3 Hexane N 0.00% 0.0269 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
80   7647-01-0 Hydrochloric acid N 0.00% 0.19 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
81   193-39-5 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene N 0.00% 1.07E-05 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
82   7439-92-1 Lead N 0.00% 3.64E-04 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
83   7439-96-5 Manganese N 0.00% 4.20E-04 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
84   7439-97-6 Mercury N 0.00% 1.51E-05 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
85   91-20-3 Naphthalene N 0.00% 2.64E-02 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
86   7440-02-0 Nickel N 0.00% 1.82E-04 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
87   198-55-0 Perylene N 0.00% 1.18E-06 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
88   85-01-8 Phenanthrene N 0.00% 4.54E-03 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
89   504 Phosphorus N 0.00% 8.40E-03 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
90   115-07-1 Propylene N 0.00% 4.70E-01 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
91   7782-49-2 Selenium N 0.00% 3.76E-04 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
92   7440-22-4 Silver N 0.00% 4.80E-05 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
93   7440-28-0 Thallium N 0.00% 2.40E-04 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
94   108-88-3 Toluene N 0.00% 0.11 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
95   1330-20-7 Xylene (mixture), including m-xylene, o-xylene, p-xylene N 0.00% 0.04 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)
96   7440-66-6 Zinc N 0.00% 5.23E-03 lb/M gal CAO Diesel RICE (b)

Diesel Int Comb

  A B C D E F G H
1 LPG, Butane, Propane Internal Combustion Engines (Stationary and Portable)
2 Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG or LP-gas) consists of propane, propylene, butane and butylenes. Most LPG-fired reciprocating engines are used in the gas industry at pipeline compressor and storage stations and at gas processing plants. Emission factors are separated into three design classes: 2-cycle (stroke) lean-burn, 4-stroke lean-burn, and 4-stroke rich-burn.
4 Relevant units of measure: M gal = 1,000 gallons
6 2 Stroke-Lean Burn
7   CAS or DEQ ID Pollutant Name Controlled EF? Control
EF Values Units EF Reference/Notes
8   79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane N 0.00% 0.006 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
9   79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane (Vinyl trichloride) N 0.00% 0.00477 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
10   95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene N 0.00% 0.01 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
11   78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane (Propylene dichloride) N 0.00% 0.00404 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
12   106-99-0 1,3-Butadiene N 0.00% 0.0742 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
13   542-75-6 1,3-Dichloropropene N 0.00% 0.00396 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
14   91-57-6 2-Methyl naphthalene N 0.00% 0.00194 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
15   83-32-9 Acenaphthene N 0.00% 0.00012 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
16   208-96-8 Acenaphthylene N 0.00% 0.000287 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
17   75-07-0 Acetaldehyde N 0.00% 0.702 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
18   107-02-8 Acrolein N 0.00% 0.704 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
19   7664-41-7 Ammonia N 0.00% 0.3 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
20   120-12-7 Anthracene N 0.00% 0.000065 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
21   56-55-3 Benz[a]anthracene N 0.00% 0.0000304 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
22   71-43-2 Benzene N 0.00% 0.17757 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
23   50-32-8 Benzo[a]pyrene N 0.00% 0.00000051 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
24   205-99-2 Benzo[b]fluoranthene N 0.00% 0.00000077 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
25   192-97-2 Benzo[e]pyrene N 0.00% 0.00000212 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
26   191-24-2 Benzo[g,h,i]perylene N 0.00% 0.00000224 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
27   207-08-9 Benzo[k]fluoranthene N 0.00% 0.00000039 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
28   56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride N 0.00% 0.00549 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
29   67-66-3 Chloroform N 0.00% 0.00426 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
30   218-01-9 Chrysene N 0.00% 0.0000608 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
31   75-09-2 Dichloromethane (Methylene chloride) N 0.00% 0.0133 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
32   100-41-4 Ethyl benzene N 0.00% 0.00977 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
33   106-93-4 Ethylene dibromide (EDB, 1,2-Dibromoethane) N 0.00% 0.00664 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
34   107-06-2 Ethylene dichloride (EDC, 1,2-Dichloroethane) N 0.00% 0.00382 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
35   206-44-0 Fluoranthene N 0.00% 0.0000327 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
36   86-73-7 Fluorene N 0.00% 0.000153 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
37   50-00-0 Formaldehyde N 0.00% 5 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
38   110-54-3 Hexane N 0.00% 0.0403 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
39   193-39-5 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene N 0.00% 0.0000009 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
40   67-56-1 Methanol N 0.00% 0.224 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
41   91-20-3 Naphthalene N 0.00% 0.00872 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
42   198-55-0 Perylene N 0.00% 0.00000045 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
43   85-01-8 Phenanthrene N 0.00% 0.000319 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
44   129-00-0 Pyrene N 0.00% 0.0000529 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
45   100-42-5 Styrene N 0.00% 0.00496 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
46   108-88-3 Toluene N 0.00% 0.0872 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
47   75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride N 0.00% 0.00224 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
48   1330-20-7 Xylene (mixture), including m-xylene, o-xylene, p-xylene N 0.00% 0.0243 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
51 4 Stroke-Lean Burn
52   CAS or DEQ ID Pollutant Name Controlled EF? Control
EF Values Units EF Reference/Notes
53   79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane N 0.00% 0.00362 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
54   79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane (Vinyl trichloride) N 0.00% 0.00288 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
55   95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene N 0.00% 0.00129 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
56   78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane (Propylene dichloride) N 0.00% 0.00243 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
57   106-99-0 1,3-Butadiene N 0.00% 0.0242 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
58   542-75-6 1,3-Dichloropropene N 0.00% 0.00239 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
59   91-57-6 2-Methyl naphthalene N 0.00% 0.003 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
60   83-32-9 Acenaphthene N 0.00% 0.000113 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
61   208-96-8 Acenaphthylene N 0.00% 0.0005 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
62   75-07-0 Acetaldehyde N 0.00% 0.757 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
63   107-02-8 Acrolein N 0.00% 0.465 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
64   7664-41-7 Ammonia N 0.00% 0.3 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
65   71-43-2 Benzene N 0.00% 0.0398 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
66   205-99-2 Benzo[b]fluoranthene N 0.00% 0.000015 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
67   192-97-2 Benzo[e]pyrene N 0.00% 0.0000376 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
68   191-24-2 Benzo[g,h,i]perylene N 0.00% 0.0000375 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
69   56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride N 0.00% 0.00332 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
70   67-66-3 Chloroform N 0.00% 0.00258 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
71   218-01-9 Chrysene N 0.00% 0.0000627 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
72   75-09-2 Dichloromethane (Methylene chloride) N 0.00% 0.00181 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
73   100-41-4 Ethyl benzene N 0.00% 0.00359 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
74   106-93-4 Ethylene dibromide (EDB, 1,2-Dibromoethane) N 0.00% 0.00401 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
75   107-06-2 Ethylene dichloride (EDC, 1,2-Dichloroethane) N 0.00% 0.00214 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
76   206-44-0 Fluoranthene N 0.00% 0.0001 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
77   86-73-7 Fluorene N 0.00% 0.000513 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
78   50-00-0 Formaldehyde N 0.00% 4.78 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
79   110-54-3 Hexane N 0.00% 0.1 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
80   67-56-1 Methanol N 0.00% 0.226 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
81   91-20-3 Naphthalene N 0.00% 0.00673 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
82   85-01-8 Phenanthrene N 0.00% 0.000941 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
83   129-00-0 Pyrene N 0.00% 0.000123 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
84   100-42-5 Styrene N 0.00% 0.00214 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
85   108-88-3 Toluene N 0.00% 0.0369 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
86   75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride N 0.00% 0.00135 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
87   1330-20-7 Xylene (mixture), including m-xylene, o-xylene, p-xylene N 0.00% 0.0167 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
90 4 Stroke-Rich Burn
91   CAS or DEQ ID Pollutant Name Controlled EF? Control
EF Values Units EF Reference/Notes
92   79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane N 0.00% 0.00229 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
93   79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane (Vinyl trichloride) N 0.00% 0.00138 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
94   78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane (Propylene dichloride) N 0.00% 0.00118 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
95   106-99-0 1,3-Butadiene N 0.00% 0.06 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
96   542-75-6 1,3-Dichloropropene N 0.00% 0.00115 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
97   75-07-0 Acetaldehyde N 0.00% 0.252 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
98   107-02-8 Acrolein N 0.00% 0.238 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
99   7664-41-7 Ammonia N 0.00% 0.3 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
100   71-43-2 Benzene N 0.00% 0.143 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
101   56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride N 0.00% 0.0016 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
102   67-66-3 Chloroform N 0.00% 0.00124 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
103   75-09-2 Dichloromethane (Methylene chloride) N 0.00% 0.00373 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
104   100-41-4 Ethyl benzene N 0.00% 0.00224 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
105   106-93-4 Ethylene dibromide (EDB, 1,2-Dibromoethane) N 0.00% 0.00193 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
106   107-06-2 Ethylene dichloride (EDC, 1,2-Dichloroethane) N 0.00% 0.00102 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
107   50-00-0 Formaldehyde N 0.00% 1.86 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
108   67-56-1 Methanol N 0.00% 0.277 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
109   91-20-3 Naphthalene N 0.00% 0.00879 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
110   100-42-5 Styrene N 0.00% 0.00108 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
111   108-88-3 Toluene N 0.00% 0.0505 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
112   75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride N 0.00% 0.00065 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
113   1330-20-7 Xylene (mixture), including m-xylene, o-xylene, p-xylene N 0.00% 0.0176 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)

LPG,Butane,Propane Engine

  A B C D E F G H
1 LPG, Butane, Propane External Combustion (Boiler, Oven, Dryer, Heater, Afterburner)
2 Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG or LP-gas) consists of propane, propylene, butane and butylenes. It may be used as a primary or backup fuel in small industrial boilers and other external combustion equipment.
4 Relevant units of measure: M gal = 1,000 gallons
6 <10 MMBtu/hr
7   CAS or DEQ ID Pollutant Name Controlled EF? Control
EF Values Units EF Reference/Notes
8   75-07-0 Acetaldehyde N 0.00% 0.00038 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
9   107-02-8 Acrolein N 0.00% 0.00024 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
10   7664-41-7 Ammonia N 0.00% 0.3 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
11   71-43-2 Benzene N 0.00% 0.00071 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
12   100-41-4 Ethyl benzene N 0.00% 0.00084 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
13   50-00-0 Formaldehyde N 0.00% 0.00151 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
14   110-54-3 Hexane N 0.00% 0.00056 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
15   91-20-3 Naphthalene N 0.00% 0.00003 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
16   401 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) N 0.00% 0.00001 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
17   108-88-3 Toluene N 0.00% 0.00325 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
18   1330-20-7 Xylene (mixture), including m-xylene, o-xylene, p-xylene N 0.00% 0.00241 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (a)
21 10-100 MMBtu/hr
22   CAS or DEQ ID Pollutant Name Controlled EF? Control
EF Values Units EF Reference/Notes
23   75-07-0 Acetaldehyde N 0.00% 0.00028 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
24   107-02-8 Acrolein N 0.00% 0.00024 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
25   7664-41-7 Ammonia N 0.00% 0.3 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
26   71-43-2 Benzene N 0.00% 0.00051 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
27   100-41-4 Ethyl benzene N 0.00% 0.00061 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
28   50-00-0 Formaldehyde N 0.00% 0.00109 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
29   110-54-3 Hexane N 0.00% 0.00041 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
30   91-20-3 Naphthalene N 0.00% 0.00003 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
31   401 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) N 0.00% 0.00001 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
32   108-88-3 Toluene N 0.00% 0.00235 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
33   1330-20-7 Xylene (mixture), including m-xylene, o-xylene, p-xylene N 0.00% 0.00175 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (b)
36 >100 MMBtu/hr
37   CAS or DEQ ID Pollutant Name Controlled EF? Control
EF Values Units EF Reference/Notes
38   75-07-0 Acetaldehyde N 0.00% 0.00008 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
39   107-02-8 Acrolein N 0.00% 0.00007 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
40   7664-41-7 Ammonia N 0.00% 0.3 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
41   71-43-2 Benzene N 0.00% 0.00015 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
42   100-41-4 Ethyl benzene N 0.00% 0.00018 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
43   50-00-0 Formaldehyde N 0.00% 0.00032 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
44   110-54-3 Hexane N 0.00% 0.00012 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
45   91-20-3 Naphthalene N 0.00% 0.00003 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
46   401 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) N 0.00% 0.00001 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
47   108-88-3 Toluene N 0.00% 0.00069 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)
48   1330-20-7 Xylene (mixture), including m-xylene, o-xylene, p-xylene N 0.00% 0.00051 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3 (c)

LPG,Butane,Propane Ext Comb

  A B C D E F G H
1 LPG, Butane, Propane Turbine
2 Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG or LP-gas) consists of propane, propylene, butane and butylenes. It is frequently used for simple gas turbine power and co-generation.
4 Relevant units of measure: M gal = 1,000 gallons
6 All sizes
7   CAS or DEQ ID Pollutant Name Controlled EF? Control
EF Values Units EF Reference/Notes
8   106-99-0 1,3-Butadiene N 0.00% 0.0000389 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3
9   75-07-0 Acetaldehyde N 0.00% 0.00362 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3
10   107-02-8 Acrolein N 0.00% 0.000579 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3
11   7664-41-7 Ammonia N 0.00% 0.3 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3
12   71-43-2 Benzene N 0.00% 0.00109 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3
13   100-41-4 Ethyl benzene N 0.00% 0.0029 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3
14   50-00-0 Formaldehyde N 0.00% 0.0643 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3
15   91-20-3 Naphthalene N 0.00% 0.000118 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3
16   401 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) N 0.00% 0.0000815 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3
17   75-56-9 Propylene oxide N 0.00% 0.00262 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3
18   108-88-3 Toluene N 0.00% 0.0118 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3
19   1330-20-7 Xylene (mixture), including m-xylene, o-xylene, p-xylene N 0.00% 0.00579 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-3

LPG,Butane,Propane Turbine

  A B C D E F G H
1 Gasoline Internal Combustion Engines (stationary and portable)
2 Gasoline internal combustion (IC) engines such as aerial lifts, fork lifts, mobile refrigeration units, generators, pumps, industrial sweepers/scrubbers, material handling equipment (such as conveyors), and portable well-drilling equipment.
4 Relevant units of measure: M gal = 1,000 gallons
6 Non-catalyst (stationary and portable)
7   CAS or DEQ ID Pollutant Name Controlled EF? Control
EF Values Units EF Reference/Notes
8   95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene N 0.00% 1.3941 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (a)
9   106-99-0 1,3-Butadiene N 0.00% 0.9183 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (a)
10   78-93-3 2-Butanone (Methyl ethyl ketone) N 0.00% 0.0664 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (a)
11   75-07-0 Acetaldehyde N 0.00% 0.8298 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (a)
12   107-02-8 Acrolein N 0.00% 0.1992 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (a)
13   71-43-2 Benzene N 0.00% 3.8061 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (a)
14   7782-50-5 Chlorine N 0.00% 0.455 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (a)
15   7440-50-8 Copper and compounds N 0.00% 0.0033 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (a)
16   100-41-4 Ethyl benzene N 0.00% 1.6596 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (a)
17   50-00-0 Formaldehyde N 0.00% 3.452 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (a)
18   110-54-3 Hexane N 0.00% 1.4494 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (a)
19   7439-96-5 Manganese and compounds N 0.00% 0.0033 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (a)
20   67-56-1 Methanol N 0.00% 0.7745 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (a)
21   1634-04-4 Methyl tert-butyl ether N 0.00% 2.0579 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (a)
22   108-38-3 m-Xylene N 0.00% 4.9235 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (a)
23   91-20-3 Naphthalene N 0.00% 0.1438 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (a)
24   365 Nickel compounds, insoluble N 0.00% 0.0033 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (a)
25   95-47-6 o-Xylene N 0.00% 1.7149 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (a)
26   100-42-5 Styrene N 0.00% 0.1438 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (a)
27   108-88-3 Toluene N 0.00% 7.5125 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (a)
30 Catalyst, portable
31   CAS or DEQ ID Pollutant Name Controlled EF? Control
EF Values Units EF Reference/Notes
32   95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene N 0.00% 0.589 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (b)
33   106-99-0 1,3-Butadiene N 0.00% 0.324 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (b)
34   78-93-3 2-Butanone (Methyl ethyl ketone) N 0.00% 0.0118 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (b)
35   75-07-0 Acetaldehyde N 0.00% 0.1473 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (b)
36   107-02-8 Acrolein N 0.00% 0.0825 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (b)
37   71-43-2 Benzene N 0.00% 1.5726 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (b)
38   7782-50-5 Chlorine N 0.00% 0.455 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (b)
39   7440-50-8 Copper and compounds N 0.00% 0.0033 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (b)
40   100-41-4 Ethyl benzene N 0.00% 0.642 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (b)
41   50-00-0 Formaldehyde N 0.00% 1.0131 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (b)
42   110-54-3 Hexane N 0.00% 0.9424 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (b)
43   7439-96-5 Manganese and compounds N 0.00% 0.0033 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (b)
44   67-56-1 Methanol N 0.00% 0.2415 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (b)
45   1634-04-4 Methyl tert-butyl ether N 0.00% 1.1544 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (b)
46   108-38-3 m-Xylene N 0.00% 2.1734 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (b)
47   91-20-3 Naphthalene N 0.00% 0.0295 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (b)
48   365 Nickel compounds, insoluble N 0.00% 0.0033 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (b)
49   95-47-6 o-Xylene N 0.00% 0.7539 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (b)
50   100-42-5 Styrene N 0.00% 0.0707 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (b)
51   108-88-3 Toluene N 0.00% 3.5046 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (b)
54 Catalyst, stationary
55   CAS or DEQ ID Pollutant Name Controlled EF? Control
EF Values Units EF Reference/Notes
56   95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene N 0.00% 0.0586 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (c)
57   106-99-0 1,3-Butadiene N 0.00% 0.0322 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (c)
58   78-93-3 2-Butanone (Methyl ethyl ketone) N 0.00% 0.0012 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (c)
59   75-07-0 Acetaldehyde N 0.00% 0.0146 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (c)
60   107-02-8 Acrolein N 0.00% 0.0082 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (c)
61   71-43-2 Benzene N 0.00% 0.1564 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (c)
62   7782-50-5 Chlorine N 0.00% 0.455 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (c)
63   7440-50-8 Copper and compounds N 0.00% 0.0033 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (c)
64   100-41-4 Ethyl benzene N 0.00% 0.0638 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (c)
65   50-00-0 Formaldehyde N 0.00% 0.1007 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (c)
66   110-54-3 Hexane N 0.00% 0.0937 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (c)
67   7439-96-5 Manganese and compounds N 0.00% 0.0033 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (c)
68   67-56-1 Methanol N 0.00% 0.024 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (c)
69   1634-04-4 Methyl tert-butyl ether N 0.00% 0.1148 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (c)
70   108-38-3 m-Xylene N 0.00% 0.2161 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (c)
71   91-20-3 Naphthalene N 0.00% 0.0029 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (c)
72   365 Nickel compounds, insoluble N 0.00% 0.0033 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (c)
73   95-47-6 o-Xylene N 0.00% 0.075 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (c)
74   100-42-5 Styrene N 0.00% 0.007 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (c)
75   108-88-3 Toluene N 0.00% 0.3485 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-4 (c)

Gas Engine

  A B C D E F G H
1 Jet Fuel Turbine
2 Jet fuel or aviation turbine fuel is a type of aviation fuel designed for use in aircraft powered by gas-tubrine engines. For stationary applications, it is used primarily for engine testing.
4 Relevant units of measure: M gal = 1,000 gallons
6 All sizes
7   CAS or DEQ ID Pollutant Name Controlled EF? Control
EF Values Units EF Reference/Notes
8   106-99-0 1,3-Butadiene N 0.00% 0.8563 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-5
9   75-07-0 Acetaldehyde N 0.00% 2.2478 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-5
10   107-02-8 Acrolein N 0.00% 1.0961 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-5
11   7440-38-2 Arsenic and compounds N 0.00% 0.1776 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-5
12   71-43-2 Benzene N 0.00% 0.9377 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-5
13   7440-43-9 Cadmium and compounds N 0.00% 0.0168 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-5
14   100-41-4 Ethyl benzene N 0.00% 0.0813 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-5
15   50-00-0 Formaldehyde N 0.00% 7.27 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-5
16   7439-92-1 Lead and compounds N 0.00% 0.1843 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-5
17   91-20-3 Naphthalene N 0.00% 0.274 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-5
18   365 Nickel compounds, insoluble N 0.00% 0.0168 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-5
19   7782-49-2 Selenium and compounds N 0.00% 0.0168 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-5
20   100-42-5 Styrene N 0.00% 0.1927 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-5
21   108-88-3 Toluene N 0.00% 0.2526 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-5
22   1330-20-7 Xylene (mixture), including m-xylene, o-xylene, p-xylene N 0.00% 0.2312 lb/M gal SCAQMD AB2588 B-5

Jet Turbine