From: Andy Peters
Sent: Tue Jun 12 11:07:27 2018
Cc: Gerald Fisher; Jake Ehredt; Dan Huff
Subject: Molalla WWTP
Importance: Normal
Attachments: AsBuilts.pdf; 2018-06-07 looking for vault 2.jpg; Good Morning Gordon, Charlie, if this email should go to someone else at Tetra Tech would you please route for me? My name is Andy Peters, Ops Supervisor for the City of Molalla. Tetra Tech and KCM performed a project on our Waste Water Plant in 2007 (Tetra Tech project 3530029). We’ve ran into a situation where we are unable to properly determine our plant flows. According to the As Built drawings from this 2007 project there is supposed to be a Vault with an Insertion Mag-meter at this plant, but we can’t find it. This is important, and DEQ is involved. Can you help me by seeing if anyone on this project has living memory? As the image attached shows, we’ve dug and dug, but can find no vault. Likewise no previous operator has knowledge of it. Attached As-builts show:
Thank you!
Andy Peters
City of Molalla
Public Works Operations Supervisor
(503) 829-6855 x220
Cell: 503-793-0507
117 N Molalla Ave
Molalla, OR 97038