From: Andy Peters
Sent: Fri Aug 17 09:04:14 2018
To: Jake Ehredt; Jaimee Searcy; James Clifton
Cc: Gerald Fisher
Subject: Cemetery Irrigation Contacts
Importance: Normal
Team WWTP,
Okay, it’s official: the Kyllos are no longer involved in Irrigation of the Cemetery. The Cemetery board voted and changed the locks on the pump house this morning, and Lisa dropped off a new key for u; it’s on my desk. Let’s get together early next week and discuss how and whether we are impacted, and I’ll draft a summary one-pager we can hand to Cemetery board so they know how things go. And we’ll get them a copy of the Recycled Water Use Plan.
There are two issues we know of:
(1) the pressure limiting switch has not been installed on the pump yet. It’s in our interest to make sure that happens and Lisa is aware of the issue. Until then we’ll still need to go shut their pump off if we reduce pressure while irrigating the Cemetery.
(2) according to Lisa new curb was recently poured at the Cemetery which prevents the gate from closing. We’ll need to verify the gate closes so they can operate IAW the Recycled Water Use Plan.
Please update your rolodexes!…
Robert Wenz (971-212-3574) and
Lisa Wenz 503-888-9656 <= Primary Contact
Andy Peters
City of Molalla
Public Works Operations Supervisor
(503) 829-6855 x220
Cell: 503-793-0507
117 N Molalla Ave
Molalla, OR 97038