From: COLE David

Sent: Thu Sep 07 07:46:58 2017

To: 'Jason Clifford'

Cc: COLE David; Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher; Mark P. Strandberg; YELTON-BRAM Tiffany

Subject: RE: Molalla CCB overflow.

Importance: Normal


Thanks Jason.

From: Jason Clifford []

Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 4:55 PM

To: COLE David

Cc: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher; Mark P. Strandberg

Subject: RE: Molalla CCB overflow.


After further calculations, I determined that the overflow to Bear Creek was 15,620 gallons. I am finishing up the 5 day report and should be ready to mail on 9/8/2017.



From: COLE David []

Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 12:43 PM

To: 'Jason Clifford' <>

Cc: COLE David <>; Dan Huff <>; Gerald Fisher <>; Mark P. Strandberg <>; BAILEY Randall <>; YELTON-BRAM Tiffany <>

Subject: RE: Molalla CCB overflow.

OK, thanks for the information Jason.

From: Jason Clifford []

Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 12:26 PM

To: COLE David

Cc: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher; Mark P. Strandberg

Subject: RE: Molalla CCB overflow.


Our printout at midnight showed a Cl2 residual of 2.55 ppm. That number would have stayed pretty steady during the event.



From: COLE David []

Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 12:21 PM

To: 'Jason Clifford' <>

Cc: COLE David <>

Subject: RE: Molalla CCB overflow.

Hey Jason. It occurs to me that since you normally don’t dechlorinate before land applying the treated wastewater, the volume that got to Bear Creek probably had a high chlorine residual. Did you take any samples so we have an idea of what the chlorine concentration was in the water that went to Bear Creek? If no samples, then please estimate the likely chlorine concentration in the water that went to Bear Creek. Thanks.

From: COLE David

Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 12:12 PM

To: 'Jason Clifford'

Cc: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher; 'Mark P. Strandberg'; COLE David; YELTON-BRAM Tiffany; BAILEY Randall

Subject: Molalla CCB overflow.

Thanks for letting me know Jason.

From: Jason Clifford []

Sent: Wednesday, September 06, 2017 12:06 PM

To: 'COLE David'

Cc: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher; 'Mark P. Strandberg'

Subject: CCB overflow


At approximately 0233 until 0653 this morning, our Effluent Pumps failed, causing our Chlorine Contact Basin to overflow into the storm drains on the southwest and northwest corners of the Basin. Approximately 125000 gallons of treated effluent drained into Bear Creek. I have yet to determine the cause of the failures. If a determination is found, it will be noted on the spill report that will be submitted within the (5) day period. This is our 24 hour notice. If you have any questions, please contact me.


Jason Clifford

City of Molalla WWTP