From: Gerald Fisher

Sent: Wed Jun 15 14:34:48 2016


Cc: Jennifer Cline; Dan Huff; Jason Clifford;

Subject: City of Molalla WWTP Flow Memo

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Flow Memo and Spreadsheet - Dyer.pdf;


Hi David,


My City email is not fully set up with contacts yet. If you could, please forward to Tiffany and Randall so they have a copy. To give you an update on this project, we have already ordered the flow meter as described in this report and the supplier will be installing and calibrating it in the next few weeks. Once done, Dyer will be preparing to perform a dry run of the test. We are a little behind schedule and trying to catch up and get back on track as discussed in our last meeting. It shouldn't be a problem. We will keep you posted on our progress of the dry run. Let us know if you have any questions. Thanks.



