From: COLE David

Sent: Mon Sep 15 14:30:16 2014

To: 'Jennifer Cline'; 'Jonathan Patrick'; Dan Huff

Cc: COLE David; HYNSON Mark

Subject: I & I report guidance.

Importance: Normal


Hi there. Here is some information that you should find helpful in deciding which elements should be in your annual reports, along with a suggested outline and format for the reports.

DEQ has no guidelines for these reports. However, I think if we can get everyone to follow the CMOM program (EPA guide for evaluating Capacity, Management, Operation and Maintenance at sanitary sewer collection systems), it could really help to streamline reviewing the reports, as well as establish an even “playing field” so that we treat all facilities equally. The following link will take you to the EPA web page where you can view and download the document:

The checklist at the end is a really good tool to see what you could do and identify areas needing improvement. We use the CMOM program as a recommended approach for managing a collection system.

If you want a really short answer, the TOC for the checklist can be used as an outline for the information we would like to see:

Table of Contents

I. General Information -Collection System Description..........................3-4

II. Continuing Sewer Assessment Plan ....................................... 3-5

III. Collection System Management ......................................... 3-6

A. Organizational Structure ............................................ 3-6

B. Training ......................................................... 3-7

C. Communication and Customer Service ................................. 3-8

D. Management Information Systems .................................... 3-10

E. SSO Notification Program ........................................... 3-11

F. Legal Authority.................................................... 3-12

IV. Collection System Operation............................................3-14

A. Budgeting ....................................................... 3-14

B. Compliance....................................................... 3-16

C. Water Quality Monitoring ........................................... 3-17

D. Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring and Control .............................. 3-18

E. Safety ........................................................... 3-19

F. Emergency Preparedness and Response.................................3-21

G. Modeling ........................................................ 3-23

H. Engineering - System Mapping and As-built Plans (Record Drawings) ....... 3-24

I. Engineering -Design...............................................3-25

J. Engineering -Capacity ............................................. 3-26

K. Engineering -Construction .......................................... 3-27

L. Pump Station Operation ............................................ 3-28

1. Pump Stations -Inspection ..................................... 3-29

2. Pump Stations -Emergencies .................................. 3-30

3. Pump Stations - Emergency Response and Monitoring ............... 3-31

4. Pump Stations -Recordkeeping ................................. 3-32

5. Pump Stations -Force Mains and Air/Vacuum Valves ............... 3-33

V. Collection System Maintenance ......................................... 3-34

A. Maintenance Budgeting ............................................. 3-34

B. Planned Maintenance ............................................... 3-35

C. Maintenance Scheduling ............................................ 3-36

D. Maintenance Right-of-Way .......................................... 3-37

E. Sewer Cleaning.................................................... 3-38

1. Sewer Cleaning -Cleaning Equipment........................... 3-39

2. Sewer Cleaning -Chemical Cleaning and Root Removal ............. 3-40

F. Parts Inventory .................................................... 3-41

G. Equipment and Tools Management .................................... 3-42

VI. Management Information Systems: Performance Indicators .................. 3-43

VII. Sewer System Capacity Evaluation (SSES) ................................ 3-45

A. Internal TV Inspection .............................................. 3-45

B. Survey and Rehabilitation (general).................................... 3-46

C. Sewer Cleaning Related to I/I Reduction................................ 3-47

D. Flow Monitoring .................................................. 3-48

E. Smoke Testing and Dyed Water Flooding ............................... 3-49

F. Manhole Inspection ................................................ 3-50

VIII. Rehabilitation........................................................ 3-52

A. Manhole Repairs .................................................. 3-52

B. Mainline Sewers...................................................3-53

David Cole, R.G.

Water Quality Permit Compliance Specialist

DEQ Northwest Region & Western Region

2020 SW 4th Avenue

Portland, OR 97201

(503) 229-5011

(503) 229-6957 Fax