From: Jason Clifford
Sent: Wed Mar 04 13:14:48 2015
To: Jennifer Cline
Subject: FW: Quote Confirmation from
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 32102086968.pdf; Ms. Cline, Here is a quote for a new spectrophotometer that will allow us to do more testing in house that will in the long run save money. Big cost up front, though. I’ve personally used these test vials and trained my previous operators on how to perform the tests as well. Please view when you have some free time. Thanks, Jason From: [] Sent: Wednesday, March 04, 2015 12:45 PM To: Subject: Quote Confirmation from Hello jason clifford, Thank you for visiting Your quote details are attached. If you have requested contact from a Hach associate or pricing for unpriced product, a Hach product expert will be in touch with you within one business day to assist in solving your water quality needs. Thank you for choosing Hach, your source for expert answers, outstanding support, and reliable, easy-to-use products. Sincerely, Hach Quote Team 800-227-4224 |