From: Fasth, Bill
Sent: Mon Jun 08 10:20:44 2015
To: Jason Clifford;; 'Jennifer Cline'
Cc: jon patrick; Jonathan Patrick; 'Mark Strandberg'; Lee, Rob
Subject: Appendix N tables based on 85% or 75% irrigation efficiency
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.gif; appendix N-85% efficiency.xlsx; appendix N-75% efficiency.xlsx; Jason, Jake, and Jenn, Attached are two Excel files based on Appendix N from the RWUP (to calculate the maximum gross irrigation allowed based on soil moisture block readings). The first file assumes 85% irrigation efficiency. The second file assumes 75% irrigation efficiency. From our phone conversation this morning, it sounds like you are able to operate today in sections 3 and 4 at N. Coleman assuming 85% irrigation efficiency, so I recommend using that file for now. Each file contains four separate workbooks to use for the following: * North Coleman-irrigation section 1 * North Coleman-irrigation sections 2, 3, 4, and 5 * South Coleman-irrigation section 6, 7, and 8 * The Nursery It is important to use the correct workbook for the appropriate section/site because the soil types vary among each section/site. The value that needs to be hand-entered into the spreadsheet (based on the soil moisture block readings) is highlighted in red. After the value is hand-entered, the spreadsheet will calculate the maximum allowable gross irrigation rate (the last column in the table). Let me know if you have questions. Bill Bill Fasth 6500 SW Macadam Avenue, Suite 200 Portland, Oregon 97239<> Cell 541.602.9110 [Description:]<>