From: HEINS Pat
Sent: Mon Jul 27 16:37:16 2015
To: 'Jennifer Cline'
Cc: 'Fasth, Bill'
Subject: RE: Ralph Piuser Biosolid Sites
Importance: Normal
Attachments: Biosolids Site Authorization PiuserFields_Mt Hope.pdf; Biosolids Site Authorization PiuserFields_Thomas Rd.pdf; Jennifer, Based on conversations with Bill Fasth, there were a couple edits that needed to be made. Please find the final version of these site authorizations attached to this email and disregard the earlier versions of these documents. Thank you, Pat From: HEINS Pat Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015 1:20 PM To: 'Jennifer Cline' Cc: 'Fasth, Bill' Subject: Ralph Piuser Biosolid Sites Jennifer, Please find attached to this email two site authorization letters authorizing land application of biosolids from your wastewater treatment facility to the Ralph Piuser sites. I will be sending you a hard copy for your files via US Mail. Please read these over and let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you, Pat Heins DEQ NW Region Water Quality 503-229-5347 Please note, DEQ's Northwest Region Office has moved: 700 NE Multnomah St., Suite #600 Portland, OR 97232