From: Fasth, Bill
Sent: Fri Jul 17 08:31:38 2015
To: Christine Hein; 'Jennifer Cline'
Subject: FW: review of biosolids submittal (second email)
Importance: Normal
Attachments: appendix; appendix; Second email From: Fasth, Bill Sent: Friday, July 17, 2015 8:30 AM To: Christine Hein; 'Jennifer Cline' Subject: review of biosolids submittal (first email) Tina and Jennifer, I have finished a draft of the complete biosolids submittal. This email is the first of a few emails because the file sizes are too large for one email. For the sake of time, I am sending you the "pieces" right now so you can begin your review. All of the pieces have been submitted to BC's word processing department for final formatting and editing. I can incorporate any of your comments into the formatted and edited version that I receive back form word processing next Tuesday. Please have your comments back to me by next Tuesday morning. I would like to submit the final pdf to Pat Heins at DEQ next Wednesday, 7/22, at the latest. The files I am sending do not include Appendix F (Landowner Agreement) and Appendix J (Spill Pan) because you are already reviewing those. The last section of the report discusses outcomes from the public notice. Regarding the letter from Mr. and Mrs. Ellis, I stated that the City intends to provide a written response to them before the end of July. I outlined some points that the City's response will include (assuming that you concur, of course). I reviewed the preliminary responses with Ralph Piuser too and he is ok with them. Please let me know what you think. Thanks. Bill