From: Jonathan Patrick

Sent: Tue Sep 02 15:30:26 2014

To: 'COLE David'; 'HYNSON Mark'

Cc: 'Christine Hein'; Dan Huff; Jennifer Cline

Subject: Standing water at North Coleman Ranch

Importance: Normal


Dear Ron and David:

I am writing to follow up on telephone conversations that we had last week about irrigation at the North Coleman Ranch property. As you know, we are closely monitoring the conditions and impacts of irrigation at both North and South Coleman in order to comply with our approved Recycled Water Use Plan. We believe that there have been no additional issues at the South Coleman property since my email to Mark Hynson of August 18. Unfortunately, during our monitoring of irrigation activities at North Coleman site on August 25th, we observed standing water in the field near Mathias Road.

As soon as I observed the standing water, I immediately ordered that irrigation be shut down in order to assess the situation and work with the staff at Coleman to ensure that proper monitoring and observation was occurring prior to application so as to prevent any future ponding or standing water. We are continuing our discussions with Coleman’s staff about these issues, but in the meantime have decided out of caution that all irrigation at that site will be handled by City staff until we can be sure that Coleman staff understand all the conditions.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any other questions.

Best regards,

Jon Patrick
