From: Andy Peters

Sent: Fri Jun 18 12:08:33 2021

To: Dan Huff; Ginger Harville; Darlene Bishop; Chaunee Seifried; Gerald Fisher; Maeghan Sandberg; Sam Miller; Julie Larson

Cc: Jake Ehredt; Ryan Hepler; Adam Shultz; Richard Landreth

Subject: Chlorine situation

Importance: Normal


Folks, koin News published an article and video about the chlorine shortage that's going on right now. The Portland water bureau was interviewed, and the whole thing came off sort of alarmist. Which has naturally led to the fact that I'm starting to get calls and emails from the public asking whether they should be concerned. It's only a matter of time before you do at City Hall also. At this time there is no cause for concern from our group. Chlorine appears to be available for us. We are monitoring the situation closely. We have plenty of chlorine at the plant right now, and are looking into the possibility of using wastewater plants chlorine supplies if the situation were to become "dire" which is a word the news agency used in their report.



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