From: Andy Peters
Sent: Mon Mar 23 15:07:00 2020
To: Adam Shultz; Richard Landreth; Shawn Shepard; Jake Ehredt; Kevin Batridge; James Clifton; Cody Foxworthy; Jamie Joost; Devin Oei; Wyatt Kyllo
Cc: Jeff Mccrum; Ryan Hepler; Gerald Fisher
Subject: WTP Rounds
Importance: Normal
Folks, Ryan H did a quick video for us on how to do plant rounds at the WTP, in case it comes to that in the coming weeks. You don’t have to review now, but just know it’s available if the time comes. That said, a new employee could learn a lot about the Water Plant from learning what’s going on in this video. Thank you, Ryan, this kind of cross training is extremely important for an organization like ours.
‘\\dc1\public\Operations\How to do Plant Rounds at the Water Treatment Plant.mp4’
Andy Peters
City of Molalla
Public Works Operations Supervisor
(503) 829-6855 x220
Cell: 503-793-0507
117 N Molalla Ave
Molalla, OR 97038