From: Farrelly Peter R
Sent: Wed Mar 29 11:56:48 2017
To: Jeff McCrum
Cc: 'Gerald Fisher';
Subject: RE: Molalla Water
Importance: Normal
Sorry more explicit details cannot be provided. However, this response from one of our public health physicians a few weeks back on the 10th can hopefully assuage your concerns and allow you to deal with as many facts as possible in your interactions with citizens and interested parties:
Hey, Peter –
We can’t be providing details about individual cases.
What I can tell you is that to date this year in Clackamas County, 5 cases of cryptosporidiosis have been reported to us, and we know of no epidemiologic links between them. If we see a geotemporal cluster of cases, we’d work with the local health department to investigate; but given that there are many potential sources of cryptosporidiosis – e.g., child care, swimming pools, food, pets -- we’d never start looking into public water supplies based on a case or two.
From: Jeff McCrum []
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 11:32 AM
To: Farrelly Peter R <>
Cc: 'Gerald Fisher' <>;
Subject: Molalla Water
As of the writing of this email, we (City of Molalla) still have not received confirmation on the diagnosis of cryptosporidium in one of our young residents. We have requested it multiple times from multiple sources and have still yet to receive a reply. I’m writing this to request that you share any information you may have as to whether or not there is a confirmed diagnosis.
Thank you,
Jeff McCrum
Asst. Water Plant Operator
City of Molalla