From: Andy Peters
Sent: Tue Dec 05 14:43:59 2017
To: Ryan Hepler
Cc: Jeff Mccrum; Gerald Fisher
Subject: quote for stainless welding
Importance: Normal
Ryan, I think we should go ahead and try your idea to suck the air line free, and I think we should take the time to have a new T welded in. When you get a chance will you give me a call so we can talk it through? It’s 3” stainless steel, so I don’t want our guys welding on it, they would be exposed to Chromium. We’ll also have the welder spot a stainless FIP nipple we can use to screw in a -30 kPa vaccum gauge, to help us watch suction so we don’t collapse the pipe.
As for the intake, I’m getting a work order in place to show up in July, targeting in water work in August, like you’ve done before and maybe we’ll try a few ideas for protecting it with a welded wire shell.
Finally, Gerald is having get a quote for next years’ budget for a 6” pump we can use in case the intakes completely fail. That will make us all feel better, we can park it at the water plant, and Shawn can service it as part of fleet maintenance.
Thanks for allowing me to be involved in these ops, man, I enjoy this type of work most.
Andy Peters
City of Molalla
Public Works Operations Supervisor
(503) 829-6855 x220
Cell: 503-793-0507
117 N Molalla Ave
Molalla, OR 97038