From: Ryan Hepler

Sent: Wed Sep 21 13:52:11 2016

To: 'Gerald Fisher'

Subject: ERP, O&M manual, Water System Survey for 2014

Importance: Normal

Attachments: 2015 Molalla ERP Plan WTP.docx; WTP O & M manual.doc; Annual Water Report 2015.docx; SS-2014-10-00534-WSS Molalla.pdf; SS-2014-09-00534-ltr Molalla.pdf;



I have attached the items that we discussed at the meeting and I also saved these item in the Public Works Drive under the Drinking Water Plant folder. I was not working at the treatment plant in 2014 when the survey was completed however when I started in July of 2015 we completed the deficiencies noted in the survey and notified OHA of the corrected deficiencies.

Ryan Hepler

City of Molalla

Water Treatment Operator
