From: Ryan Hepler

Sent: Wed Jul 20 11:09:18 2016

To: 'Gerald Fisher'

Subject: Totalizer flow meter calibration

Importance: Normal



I wanted to let you know that I had Whitney Equipment out here this morning to calibrate our Totalizer flow meter (20”). Since there is no bypass on this water line and we cannot shut it off to do a “zero cal” we tried to strap on an additional flow meter to do a verification of our flow meter accuracy. This was unsuccessful also. So as of now we will not be able to calibrate this flow meter until we add some sort of bypass or secondary water line. This may be the reason that the flow meter has not been calibrated since the install in 1998. This meter is used for total flows leaving the reservoir (to town) and is the meter we would use to compare with meter reads to calculate water loss like we spoke about last week. As of now the meter is working, we just cannot calibrate it and/or check the accuracy. We can speak more about this later if you would like.

Ryan Hepler

City of Molalla

Water Treatment Operator
