From: Gerald Fisher
Sent: Thu Mar 01 15:27:54 2018
To: Mitch Jorgensen
Subject: RE: MRM Storm Water Charges
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.jpg; Hi Mitch, They made the correction to the calculated amount and posted a credit of $85.49 to your account. Thanks. Regards, Gerald Fisher, P.E. | Public Works Director City of Molalla 117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038 Office: 503.829.6855 | Direct: 503.759.0218 CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: The information contained in this email message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient and have received this communication in error, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message. Thank you. From: Mitch Jorgensen [] Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2018 1:31 PM To: 'Gerald Fisher' <> Subject: MRM Storm Water Charges I see no correction in our bill. Can you please handle? Thanks Mitch Jorgensen, Pres. QCT/CCT #44362 Molalla Redi-Mix & Rock Products, Inc. PO Box 555 Molalla, Or 97038 (503) 829-5555 x 15 office (503) 829-5558 fax (503) 969-3377 cell Online at