From: Seth P
Sent: Fri Feb 15 13:29:50 2019
To: Gerald Fisher
Cc: Michelle M; Andy McBride
Subject: RE: Right of way permit
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.png; image005.gif; image002.png; Right-Of-Way plan.pdf; We actually used 5/8” by 6” anchors so I made the correction. Seth Pownall Project Manager Cascade NW Construction 801 E. Main St. Molalla, OR 97038 | O: 503.919.2201 | C: 971.272.4925 OR CCB #201730 | WA #CASCANC821BR | OEC 408 COMMUNICATION From: Seth P Sent: Friday, February 15, 2019 1:28 PM To: '' <> Cc: Michelle M <>; Andy McBride <> Subject: Right of way permit Hello Gerald- Is this what you are looking for? If you think you need more or specific information let me know. Thank you, Seth Pownall Project Manager Cascade NW Construction 801 E. Main St. Molalla, OR 97038 | O: 503.919.2201 | C: 971.272.4925 OR CCB #201730 | WA #CASCANC821BR | OEC 408 COMMUNICATION