From: Andy Peters

Sent: Mon Sep 10 15:39:51 2018

To: Cody Foxworthy; Jamie Joost

Cc: Jake Ehredt; Gerald Fisher; R Quigley

Subject: FW: WO#3224 has been ClosedComplete

Importance: Normal


Thank you Cody and Jamie for handling these OOC smoke test reports. It's just in time too as the rains are coming. Dyer has been able to determine that this is making a good improvement in I/I at the plant. We are now down to our last 25 OOC smoke test reports, which is a huge step in the right direction.




Andy Peters

City of Molalla

Public Works Operations Supervisor

(503) 829-6855 x220

Cell: 503-793-0507 <>

117 N Molalla Ave

Molalla, OR 97038


-----Original Message-----

From: <>

Sent: Monday, September 10, 2018 3:21 PM

To: Andy Peters <>; Andy Peters <>

Subject: WO#3224 has been ClosedComplete




WO#3224 has been ClosedComplete.


Request was:

Investigate Open Cleanout Smoke Test Reports 3-9; 3-10; 3-11; 3-12; 3-13; 3-14;3-17; 3-19; 3-20; 3-21; 3-22


Look up each of the following smoke tests in the report found at

“\\dc1\public\Operations\InflowInvestigation\100.26 Smoke Testing Report - DRAFT(1).pdf”

It will be the mission of operations staff to determine which course of action is best in each case to reduce I/I. Always reference “smoke test report X-YY”, and be sure the correct address is input in any WO or PO you create in the course of investigation. Focus on low hanging fruit, and document with work orders for future reporting to DEQ.


A form letter explaining the situation and asking a property owner for limited right-of-entry is available at “\\dc1\public\Operations\InflowInvestigation\OpenCleanouts\LetterToHomeowners.pdf”


Cody and Jamie complted



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