From: R Quigley

Sent: Tue Mar 20 10:12:15 2018

To: Andy Peters

Cc: Gerald Fisher; S Major

Subject: Big Meadow Smoke Testing

Importance: Normal


Good morning Andy,

Do you want me to take the time and have our CAD crew put together a map showing storm lines tested, setup manholes and houses misconnected or do you want just a written report/memo?

FYI, here are the houses we found to be connected to the storm system:

1116 Meadowlawn Pl.

1130 Meadowlawn Pl.

1406 Meadowlawn Pl.


Ryan Quigley, P.E.

The Dyer Partnership

Engineers & Planners, Inc.

1165 S. Park St.

Lebanon, OR 97355

(541) 405-4520 – Office

(541) 451-0089 – Cell