From: Andy Peters
Sent: Tue May 22 11:07:44 2018
To: Darren Penni; Shawn Shepard; Dennis Welle; Adam Shultz; Jake Ehredt; James Clifton; Ryan Hepler; Jeff Mccrum
Cc: 'Jaimee Searcy'; Gerald Fisher
Subject: Sewer fund expenditures Official Tightening
Importance: Normal
Folks, at this point we would like to officially turn the spending spigots off in the Sewer Fund, both in Maintenance and Ops. I’m pushing any work order that could affect those funds out on the load reports. Open POs already in place will not be affected, we can still take delivery of those materials or services as they are planned for now.
The one exception is the S. Molalla Lift Station control panel. I’ll get with you on that shortly.
If we have any emergencies come up we can talk, but the fund is exhausted for this year.
Andy Peters
City of Molalla
Public Works Operations Supervisor
(503) 829-6855 x220
Cell: 503-793-0507
117 N Molalla Ave
Molalla, OR 97038