From: Andy Peters
Sent: Mon Apr 30 08:33:55 2018
To: 'Grady Johnson'
Cc: Richard Landreth; Gerald Fisher
Subject: Re-connect Big Meadow (3 Houses)
Importance: Normal
Attachments: PO_1374.pdf; Grady, please find the PO attached. Rich Landreth will be your Project Manager, feel free to coordinate with him directly on everything, he’s proven himself capable: 503-793-6211. Thank you very much for this aggressive bid, and for your patience while I waited for the bid closing date. You won in my book because you included site restoration, and I feel based on our past work together that you will treat these customers well…we will be tearing up their driveways after all! Thanks, Andy Peters City of Molalla Public Works Operations Supervisor (503) 829-6855 x220 Cell: 503-793-0507 117 N Molalla Ave Molalla, OR 97038