From: Justin Patterson

Sent: Tue Aug 25 10:26:01 2020

To: Andy Peters

Cc: Gerald Fisher; Carrie Moorby

Subject: RE: Quote Request

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png;



Nice hearing from you. We can get this quoted up no problem. I have been researching these sets, and have found the Challenger structure no problem, but I am not seeing the Play Simple model you referenced here. The “school age” tag is generally the age group versus a model name or number, so if you can double check that one we’ll track it down.

One thing I would point out just as an option to consider, is the Play Simple line is generally intended for 2-5 year old kids and in controlled settings like a small daycare. That particular line is built with smaller posts, handholds and similar to help make it more usable to the littlest guys.

If you are planning to put that in one of those public park sites, I would really recommend looking at one of the sale structures as a way to stretch your dollar in the same way but get a more stout structure that can hold up to older kids over the long term. Here is a link: We always have sale structures available, so if you picked one from this sale but didn’t order until later we could still find one to match.

Justin Patterson, CPRP, CPSI

Parks Consultant- NW Oregon/SW Washington

Local office based in Newberg, Oregon


PO Box 2410

Issaquah, WA 98027

Direct: 503.991.3604

Main Office Fax: 425.313.9194

Main Office Phone: 425.313.9161


From: Andy Peters <>

Sent: Friday, August 21, 2020 8:27 AM

To: Justin Patterson <>

Cc: Gerald Fisher <>

Subject: Quote Request

Good Morning Justin! Could you please send me a quote, and accompanying marketing and technical brochures, for these two pieces of equipment? We are getting closer. Just now seeking community partners for costs.

For the new Mary Drive park: Challenger Short and Sweet ($18,500).

For Fox Park, Play-Simple School Age ($22,000).


Andy Peters

City of Molalla

Public Works Operations Supervisor

(503) 829-6855 x220

Cell: 503-793-0507

117 N Molalla Ave

Molalla, OR 97038