From: Andy Peters

Sent: Thu Jan 23 08:30:25 2020

To: Devin Oei

Cc: Adam Shultz; Frank Schoenfeld; Chris Long; Maeghan Sandberg; Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher

Subject: Clark Park Restroom Lockdown

Importance: Normal


Devin, thanks for letting me know about this person who keeps smoking and sleeping in the Clark Park Restrooms. I’m glad you got the new video equipment working! I’m going to make this simple for us all:

  1. 1. Please lock the restrooms today down, per Dan’s Policy.
  2. 2. On my desk is a metal “No Smoking or Vaping” sign. Let’s bolt this onto the building.
  3. 3. Pull some video and just get a picture of the suspect. Send it over to me for my file.
  4. 4. I’ll laminate a sign that explains why they are locked. Duck take this in the big blank space on the restroom information sign – that’s what it’s for.


We will re-open the Clark Park bathrooms on February 7th, giving this individual plenty of time to rethink his life. If this does not work, we’ll take a second attack cycle at the problem.

There is no specific rule against smoking anywhere in Municipal Code that I can see. The governing rule then is the Oregon Indoor Clean Air Act (ORS 433.835-870), but the enforcing agency for that rule may take action against THE CITY for this, not the individual doing the smoking! So I think this internal solution is the best way.

As always, guiding philosophy is: if the parks restrooms are not suitable for a 5 year old because of what someone is doing, then they are not serving “the public” already, and so locking them down is not stopping service. They are already out of service because of what this individual is doing.


Andy Peters

City of Molalla

Public Works Operations Supervisor

(503) 829-6855 x220

Cell: 503-793-0507

117 N Molalla Ave

Molalla, OR 97038