From: Andy Peters

Sent: Thu Aug 13 11:02:18 2020

To: Gerald Fisher; Sam Miller

Subject: FW: Meter Sizing in Molalla

Importance: Normal

Attachments: AsBuilts.pdf;


Fyi, after field visits this morning we passed information on Big Meadow to the building official, so they can confirm what size meter we should have out there. Then we will talk to the apartments about scheduling a new meter, and then have Ginger fix the account.


From: Andy Peters

Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2020 10:59 AM

To: 'Wheeler, Brad' <>

Cc: Adam Shultz <>; Richard Landreth <>

Subject: RE: Meter Sizing in Molalla

Wonderful, thank you Brad. The asbuilt drawings are attached, I marked it up with a comment to show the meter and what it’s serving. Specific answers to your questions are in Red Below.


From: Wheeler, Brad <>

Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2020 7:02 AM

To: Andy Peters <>

Subject: RE: Meter Sizing in Molalla

Hi Andy,

I would need the following information to formulate a meter size for the apartments:

  1. 1. Total fixtures or average in each units if they are consistent. If they are all 1 bath, then we can average. Are there clothes washers in each unit, or a community laundry building? 76 units, each has a Bathtub/shower (4.0 fixture units); Dishwasher (1.5); Kitchen Sink (1.5); Water Closet (2.5).
  2. 2. Static pressure at the location of the meter. 102psi. It is unknown whether the customer has a pressure reducing valve after the meter.
  3. 3. Distance to the most remote fixture/apartment unit in feet. The domestic system is a 3” pvc loop. I estimate furthest fixture is 600ft from the meter.
  4. 4. Difference in elevation between the meter and highest fixture outlet. 11.0ft vertical distance from the meter to the highest fixture.


I’m also curious as to the water main sizing between the meter and the first branch lines to the apartments? All the domestic water appears to flow through a 3” pvc loop. Based on our observations I have no reason to think the larger fire line has been tapped over the years. But another question for me is that their site-wide 3” irrigation is ALSO served off this same loop, separated by a 3” doublecheck assembly. I don’t know why they don’t have water supply problems! The residence say they do not experience low flow, even during peak use hours.



Brad Wheeler

Clackamas County Plumbing Inspector Supervisor

Cell: 503-680-0441

From: Andy Peters <>

Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2020 7:32 AM

To: Wheeler, Brad <>

Cc: Adam Shultz <>; Richard Landreth <>; Gerald Fisher <>; Sam Miller <>

Subject: Meter Sizing in Molalla

Warning: External email. Be cautious opening attachments and links.


Good Morning Mr. Wheeler,

Could I please speak with one of your building officials about an apartment complex here in Molalla? The Short story is: the 76 unit complex at Big Meadow Apartments are currently served by a single 1.5” meter. We are pretty sure their fixture count adds up to something more like a 3” meter, and the City will need to upsize it – but this will affect the customers water base charges. So before we do, we’d like to make sure we have a building official confirm.

Thanks! Hope you are having a great week!


Andy Peters

City of Molalla

Public Works Operations Supervisor

(503) 829-6855 x220

Cell: 503-793-0507

117 N Molalla Ave

Molalla, OR 97038


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