From: Gerald Fisher

Sent: Wed Aug 12 14:35:20 2020

To: Andy Peters

Cc: Ginger Harville; Adam Shultz; Richard Landreth; Dan Huff; Chaunee Seifried

Subject: RE: Rate Charges

Importance: Normal



Let’s verify meter sizes and once done give to Ginger to correct account information. If the monthly fee drops then that is fine. We will run that for a year and adjust our budget accordingly. We want to charge fair share for the water and not have any account over or under charged. Thanks.


Gerald Fisher, P.E. | Public Works Director

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Office: 503.829.6855 | Direct: 503.759.0218

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From: Andy Peters <>

Sent: Friday, August 7, 2020 1:26 PM

To: Dan Huff <>; Gerald Fisher <>; Chaunee Seifried <>

Cc: Ginger Harville <>; Adam Shultz <>; Richard Landreth <>

Subject: Rate Charges

Folks, Ginger, Adam, Rich and I have been working on account cleanup for a long time, and we’ve run across these 40 or so accounts have a problem. The reason we bring it up is because changing them will have a negative impact on revenue, somewhere around -$145,828.

The problem is: each account on this list is multi-unit building, and each is being charged on a Service Code in Caselle called ‘Water - Multi Family All – IC’ (service code number 115). What this code is doing is billing the customer by simply multiplying the number of units in the building by the base rate for a ¾ meter, which is $13.82. However, our rate resolution does not allow for this. For starters, there is no rate for a 4” meter and there is one on the list; but as a further example: if you look at 180 Fenton Ave, a 3” meter 16954421, last month they were charged $442.24 for water base. Their base charge will drop to $161.32. Before we go any further I think we should discuss what we are doing and make sure we all understand?

Thanks for listening!


Andy Peters

City of Molalla

Public Works Operations Supervisor

(503) 829-6855 x220

Cell: 503-793-0507

117 N Molalla Ave

Molalla, OR 97038

Recordset For myself:

select distinct h.Units, g.Amount as WaterBaseCharge, (g.Amount/h.Units) as baseRateCharged, b.ID, b.RateNumber, b.Description, ServiceAddress, e.MeterID, e.Size from [UM0_MolallaOR].[dbo].[tblTransaction] a

inner join [UM0_MolallaOR].[dbo].[tblRate] b on a.tblRateID=b.ID

inner join [UM0_MolallaOR].[dbo].[tblCustomer] c on a.tblCustomerID = c.ID

inner join [UM0_MolallaOR].[dbo].[tblBilling] h on a.tblBillingID=h.ID

inner join [UM0_MolallaOR].[dbo].[tblLocation] d on c.tblLocationID = d.ID

inner join [UM0_MolallaOR].[dbo].[tblMeter] e on d.ID = e.tblLocationID

inner join (select * from [UM0_MolallaOR].[dbo].[tblTransaction] f where f.tblRateID=44 and f.Date>'20200701') g on g.tblCustomerID=a.tblCustomerID

where b.RateNumber='115' order by Size Desc