From: Jeff McCrum
Sent: Fri Dec 01 07:26:21 2017
To: 'Gerald Fisher'
Cc: 'Andy Peters'; 'Ryan Hepler'
Subject: Delinquent Accounts
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 2017 BF Test Final Letter.docx; Morning Gerald, The final deadline for backflow testing has passed and I have three houses that did not complete a backflow test this year. I mailed two letters, one on 14 July, the other on 15 September, and the letter attached was the final notice that we left stapled to a door hanger at the residences. I have not received anything from these accounts: 229 Finneys Ave. 983 Harvey Ln. 730 Mary Dr. Last year, if I remember correctly, you sent a certified letter with a price of our time as well as shutoff fees if they did not complete the test in 5 business days. Let me know if there is any other documents or information you need from me. Thanks, Jeff