From: Mike Penunuri

Sent: Mon Aug 22 10:47:40 2016

To: Rod Lucich

Cc: Vince Stafford

Subject: Blocked hydrant

Importance: Normal


Good morning. Just FYI. Crews have responded to 315 May street on calls for medical issues a few times in the recent past. Crews are reporting that there is a fire hydrant at the end of May St. that is being blocked by vehicles. I went there this morning and there reports are correct. I spoke with the owner of the vehicle this morning and asked her to keep her vehicle 10 feet off of the curb so that we would have access to the hydrant. She was very cooperative and stated that no one has ever asked her to do that even though people are there every year trimming the brush from around the hydrant. If people could just help me keep an eye on this hydrant from time to time, I would appreciate it.

Michael C. Penunuri


ICC Inspector II

N.F.P.A. Inspector III

503-829-2200 Ext 104

Fax 503-829-5794

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