From: Cameron Carver

Sent: Wed Dec 28 16:27:53 2016



Subject: Our Driveway

Importance: Normal



Hello Mr. Fisher,


I wanted to reach out to you regarding the driveway of my home located at 632 West Heintz Street in Molalla. Just a few months ago there was a massive construction project on our road to connect West Heintz with Molalla Avenue. The construction has ended however there are still a couple of minor problems I wanted to bring to your attention. Our driveway is no longer even with the road, I am not sure why or what the workers did but there is now nearly a 1.5-2 inch step up to get to our driveway and since the road and driveway are not even that has caused puddling and dirt build up at the base of the driveway. The water that is on the road isn't flowing towards the storm drains either. I wanted to bring these to your attention with hopes that there can be repairs done so that water flows toward the storm drains and that the road can be corrected so that it is even with the driveway. I know one of our neighbors had reached out to your office previously for a similar problem. I hope that the issues I've brought up can be resolved soon!


Thank you,


Cameron Carver

P (503) 516-7525



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