From: Mitch Jorgensen
Sent: Fri Aug 04 14:41:03 2017
To: 'Gerald Fisher'
Cc: 'Shaunna Dusenberry'
Subject: MRM Storm Water Fee
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image002.jpg; July City of Molalla Bill.pdf; There must be some sort of mistake Gerald. I have maybe 500ft of city storm line that we use – we installed down MFRd ! ; and it discharges straight to Bear Creek. You’re going to charge me 385.00 for that? Based on what? Chelsi told me impervious surface. Only a small portion of our land feeds the storm; A good deal of runoff stays on site, is treated and then discharged back to the ground or used for dust control - ALL DEQ APPROVED! Who figured all this? How do we fix it? Sorry about the doc being saved upside down. Mitch Jorgensen, Pres. QCT/CCT #44362 Molalla Redi-Mix & Rock Products, Inc. PO Box 555 Molalla, Or 97038 (503) 829-5555 x 15 office (503) 829-5558 fax (503) 969-3377 cell Online at