From: Chaunee Seifried

Sent: Fri Aug 04 11:55:22 2017

To: Chelsi Sanders

Cc: Gerald Fisher; Dan Zinder

Subject: RE: Voice message from WIRELESS CALLER (5039988297) to 5037590218

Importance: Normal



The storm calculation was multiplied 10 times. I have corrected it in the rate schedule. Please adjust Mr Dushay’s account and call him and let him know what happened and that it is corrected for the future. Please apologize that this happened but thanks for calling and helping us get this corrected right away.



From: Gerald Fisher []

Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2017 5:26 PM

To: Chaunee Seifried <>; Dan Zinder <>

Subject: FW: Voice message from WIRELESS CALLER (5039988297) to 5037590218

Hi Chaunee,

I received a call from Tom Dushay (?) of Evergreen Court at 250 Kennel Ave. Based on the numbers below, I came up with a monthly stormwater fee of $34.66 (28,621/2,980 = 9.60 EDU * $3.61/EDU = $34.66). Can you please check to make sure the factor was entered correctly into their account and let him know if there is a credit? Thanks and let me know if you have any questions. He was very nice through the whole review and wanted to make sure that the account amount was correct. Thanks.

Hi Dan,

Please make sure the spreadsheet you sent them has the correct amount on it because his bill was off by a factor of 10 which sounds like a data entry error. I want to make sure we figure out where it is at going forward. Thanks.


Gerald Fisher, P.E. | Public Works Director

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Office: 503.829.6855 | Direct: 503.759.0218

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From: Dan Zinder []

Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2017 5:08 PM

To: Gerald Fisher <>

Subject: RE: Voice message from WIRELESS CALLER (5039988297) to 5037590218

I measured their impervious out to be 28621 sqft. Looks good to me as it’s about 4000 sqft less than the combined parcel size.

Dan Zinder


503.586.8094 (c)

From: Gerald Fisher []

Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2017 4:26 PM

To: Dan Zinder <>

Subject: FW: Voice message from WIRELESS CALLER (5039988297) to 5037590218

Hi Dan,

After you’ve finished the projects you are working on, please take a look at 250 Kennel Avenue and double check your impervious surface numbers. The owner asked to verify the numbers and if they are correct then they are OK with it. Let me know what you find out and I’ll get back to them. Thanks.


Gerald Fisher, P.E. | Public Works Director

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Office: 503.829.6855 | Direct: 503.759.0218

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From: tel: 5039988297 []

Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2017 10:51 AM

To: Gerald Fisher <>

Subject: Fwd: Voice message from WIRELESS CALLER (5039988297) to 5037590218

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