
Sent: Wed Aug 02 14:17:48 2017


Subject: Sewer Issue

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Molalla Sewer Line.pdf;





Hello, my name is Larry Smith. We met when the road and sidewalks were being redone last fall. The project really improved the city's look so a job well done. I own the commercial property located at 301 N. Molalla Avenue. I am in the process of selling this property. The sewer line was inspected. A copy of that report and video is attached.



I am contacting you because it is my understanding, based on the inspection report, there is an issue with the sewer drainage under the front sidewalk where the new sewer hookup and new construction was done. I ask that you review the report and video. If both my understanding of and the inspection report itself are accurate, I believe this should have been addressed in some way during construction.



Because there is a property sale contract involved, the timing of your response is very important.



My contact information is:





Home Phone: 503-632-8646


Cell Phone: 971-930-3376



Thank you.


Larry Smith