From: Sadie Cramer

Sent: Tue Aug 02 14:27:06 2016

To: Gerald Fisher; City Manager - Dan Huff

Subject: FW: Molalla PD Case #16-903-Long Park

Importance: Normal

Attachments: MOPD 16-903-CITY RECORDER.pdf;


Just FYI

From: Karly McKone []

Sent: Monday, July 25, 2016 12:16 PM

To: Sadie Cramer <>

Subject: Molalla PD Case #16-903-Long Park


Attached for your records is a copy of MOPD Case #16-903. I’ve also sent a copy of this report to the Public Works Director as requested by Sgt. Holmes.


Karly McKone

Molalla Police Department // Records

Phone: 503.829.8817 x 227

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