From: Maeghan Sandberg

Sent: Wed Aug 10 11:09:54 2016

To: Molalla River BMX Track

Cc: Gerald Fisher

Subject: RE: Finals weekend

Importance: Normal

Attachments: special_event_permit.pdf; Event Site Owner Approval.pdf; 2016080895092608.jpg;




I have not received the completed Special Event Permit as required for

such an event by the City. We had discussed this before. This would be the

proper channel to request these items.


The bathrooms auto-lock at 9 pm. The public works director would need to

approve any alternate arrangements via the Special Event Permit. I have

confirmed with him that the City will not be altering the auto-lock

schedule. We have evidence of continued activity of propping the door open

and signs posted instructing people to do so, against the City's repeated

instruction (see attached photo taken 08/08/16). I would assume you are

bringing in portable toilets for your event; I'm sure those toilets would

satisfy the needs of your overnight guests. You might also consider having

a portable toilet there during your regular season for those who need it

after the City bathrooms lock.


We have no bleachers in our possession to use.


At this time I cannot grant anything further until the Special Event

Permit is submitted. It might be in your best interest to make an

appointment with Gerald Fisher, our public works director, to discuss

matters further.


Maeghan Sandberg

Parks Administration

p. 503-759-0223

f. 503-829-3676


-----Original Message-----

From: Molalla River BMX Track []

Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 10:11 AM

To: Maeghan Sandberg <>

Subject: Finals weekend


Hi Maeghan.

Couple of things...did you ever locate the other set of aluminum

bleachers? Last I heard, they were used at Hutchins airfield(remote plane



Can we have the bathroom doors 'not auto lock' on Fri 8/19 & Sat 8/20.

We will have several overnight visitors.


Thank you.
